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Dariya's POV

"You need to control your temper Dariya." Remy said to me as I pulled the white tank top over my head.

"You almost got yourself disqualified!" He continued.

"But I didn't." I say matter of factly buckling my belt on my waist.

"Only because I told you not to."

I walk to him resting my hands on his shoulder, kneading them out, "You need to lighten up my friend, I won the race. Let's go party like we're in our twenties and not argue like we're in our eighties."

He huffed at me shaking my hands off his shoulder, grabbing his bag from the chair and walking to the door.

"What time are you planning to leave for the party?" He asked.

"When I wake up from my much needed sleep." I answered grabbing my bag and following him out to the elevator.

"All you do is sleep." He said exasperated.

"I'm a busy woman Remington." I said to him pulling my phone from my bag.

"We're not five anymore Dary so please don't use my full name."

"Then don't call me that." I argue, looking at the multiple notifications I have about the race.

"Then don't call me that." He mocked, in a very bad imitation of my voice.

"You two argue like a married couple." What the fuck does he want.

"Please leave us alone Benjamin." Remy said to him, rolling his eyes.

"We used to be best friends Remy why'd that have to stop?" He asked him.

"When you decided to cheat on my bestfriend." Remy said reminding me of those times.

"I told you time and time again how sorry I was Dariya, why can't you give me another chance." He begged grabbing my hand in his.

"Let me go, Usoro." I said to him, feeling nothing but hate towards him.

I gave him my heart, my all and he cheated on me with that fucking woman that shall not be named.

After my father died all those years ago my circle of friends gradually cut down until there was only one. I made sure to guard my emotions and my heart knowing that anyone could take the chance to use me.

Although I was trained from a young age to take over my father's business, I never wanted that. I was always into racing and cars, but my father never had anymore children and he wanted me to have everything. I loved my father dearly and I would never disregard his wishes.

So with no other choice I took over, but I never wanted to live my life without succeeding all my goals and dreams. I did succeed and now I'm one of the best formula 1 racers in my time and league, after brutal training I succeeded.

Him dropping my hand pulled me back to the present.

"You fucking disgust me. Hope you enjoy the party." I said to him pulling Remy along with me to the elevator.

I can't count how much times I've told him that and he still continues to beg. My mind and heart never swayed from the decision I made. When I want something I get it and if I don't want you, nothing will ever change my mind.

"Are you planning to get laid tonight?" He asked casually, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Nope." I answer pressing the button to the elevator.

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