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I nodded at Remi who sat in the front row of the court room next to a bored Galina and a silently arguing Odessa and Vera. My eyes scanned the moderate room that only held a few lawyers in training, some stranger and the jury.

The doors that I just came in front opened and two undercover and very indiscreet FBI agents came in and sat at the far back to try and 'fit in'. The entire courthouse was crawling with them to make sure we don't try anything and also because they really want Dariya to be put away, their loss.

Passing through the small wooden gate, I passed the blond haired woman who I now knew as Francesca and her lawyer straight.

The chair beside mine was empty because Dariya was yet to arrive. The one person that really needed to be here wasn't in the crowd but I wasn't worried, I knew she would come either sooner or later.

Just then the doors beside the judge stands at the back of the room opened. Dariya walked out first, hands handcuffed in front of her. She was wearing the outfit that Remi sent for her. A black and white plaid trousers, vest and jacket. Her white shirt below the vest was ironed to the T in perfection.

The sweating guard lead her to her seat beside me, fumbling slightly as he undid the handcuffs. She looked down at him the entire time, her unwavering stare making him fumble more. I could sense the amusement in her expression and knew she was only playing with him.

I reached forward to pull out her chair as she moved to sit out of pure chivalry. The fact that we were together was probably known by some but not all.

I had some predictions that the prosecutor and her lawyer would try to use that one unspoken truth against us but I wasn't worried at all.

Her eyes locked with mine as she sat for a quick second before averting elsewhere. Unbuttoning my jacket, I sat in my seat beside hers to wait for the judge to arrive.

When I turned to her to discuss the situation, her eyes met mine before flicking over my shoulder. Her once calm and impassive stare turned hard, glowering as her jaw visibly clenched.

"Dariya." I whispered softly, drawing her attention away from the woman sitting directly where she was watching.

Licking her lips she leaned back in her seat, her fingers wrapped around the arms of the chair dangerously tight. She didn't meet my eyes, staring off at the wall in front of us, eyes hard.

The judge walked in, taking her seat at the front, the Bailiff on her right side.

"Please rise." The judge said loudly, standing from her seat and continuing the introduction of the court house and the state.

"Everyone but the jury be seated."

The judge and the Bailiff continued their with their given system until the prosecution attorney had to give their opening statements.

"Your Honour, members of the jury, my name is Tyler Louis and my co-counsel and I are representing Francesca Verlice in this case. We intend to that on the day of July the 13th, 6 years ago Dunrick Verlice was murdered in his home in Germany at midnight. Please find Dariya Verlice guilty of his murder. Thank you." He sat in his chair when he was finished, leaning back as I stood.

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