Something warmer

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Got up this morning with a surprise next to me, a little note. It read "Ain't you gonna have a good day cleanin' floors and bloody dishes. Enjoy it!
Newt." It had a smirking smiley face on it.
I'm now standing here cleaning like 100 dishes bored out of my brain. Wish Newt was here he always cheers me up, makes me laugh.

I'm just about done the dishes when 50 more get plunked in my face, I give the guy who put them there a death stair and he runs off knowing not to come back.
It's 3:00pm and I really want this to be over. A few hours ago I was doing dishes but now I'm doing the lovely toilet. It reeks of piss and crap and I really want to leave more than anything. Suddenly I jump when I hear a voice "havin' a nice time in here, aren't ya?"

"Shut up Newt," I say it not even bothering to turn and see his face.

"Oh come on I'm only jokin'" he comes up to me and yanks me off the floor he then offers a hug. I take the hug and it feels amazing. It's just like the feeling I got when he offered his hand to help me up, only this is much stronger. I don't want to let go. We both stand there smiling and hugging for what feels like forever, but in reality is only A few seconds.He breaks away and smiles. I shyly say to him "thanks." He simply smiles and breaks away. He slowly swallows and says to me "your welcome."

It's night time now and the only thing on my mind is Newt. How he can be so amazing and wonderful. I get butterflies every time I see him. Wish I could sleep in his arms again feels like forever since I did. I lie in silence listing to the annoying boys snoring when a hand covers my mouth. I freeze, snap out of it and turn to see who it is it's...

Got ya on a Cliffhanger! I guess we'll see what happens cya.

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