The chase...the body...

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I stand, confused, "I really don't know?" I turn and look at Newt, I'm half expecting him to shrug, Instead he smiles. He continues to smile turning his smile into a smirk,

"I know what were gonna to do." Newt takes a breath and continues, "Alright, We all know that all the people in the buggin' Glade are either gonna wake up, or stay dreamin' for the rest of their lives right?"
We all nod. "Well here's the plan. Thomas, Teresa. You do everythin' ya can to get all the Gladers into the homestead, It might not sound like much but it's a hole bloody lot better havin' em in the same place then scattered everywhere." Teresa and Thomas agree. "Now as for (Y/N) and ma'self... well I ain't leaving her so we're going into the maze, where gonna find our bloody way out."

What! The maze! how could this help. What are the chances of getting out anyways? The Boys have been here for what 2 years, going into the maza and coming out with nothing! no clues, no signs. nothing. What is Newt thinking! I've never been into the maze and he has a limp! My god it's even in the dark! How could this get any worse.

As if reading my thoughts the glade starts to shake again, I begin to here the loud sound of the doors opening. Only now It's not one door... It's all of them. The wind has become sucked inwards, passing the opening doors and into the dark horrid maze.The doors long, piercing sound continues. Not one of the three people around me says a single word. Its as if they too are lifeless on the ground. I cant see, but I can tell, dirt is being picked up by the wind, leaves are doing the same. That any light weight object is floating. I listen to the continuous, loud thunder like noise, It stops. I hear something far worse then the doors. It's more terrible then being screamed at, or standing right next to an explosion. looking around I can see everyone else is thinking the same. This sound is only known to the maze, I can guarantee that. The sound is the scream of a Griver.

I running even faster than ever, lets just say the plane went really far down hill. I have Newt, Holding my hand tightly. Thomas and Teresa are doing the same. We're running, running for our lives with a terrifying Griver biting at our heels. I get to a lifted part of the maze, In sink everyone of us jumps. I grasp hold of the vines, I here a loud scream. Teresa. I can only just see, Thomas is pulling, holding Teresa's hand. Newt is holding Thomas up. I can feel the sweat on his hand, I know he can't hold them for much longer. The Griver was biting at me, using it's mechanical claws to rip at the vines. The vines! I can only just see the one above me, it's's torn. We all fall, even the Griver. I feel awfully light headed. I turn I here Newt he's moaning. His leg. I try to scramble to his side, I see it, in the dark I see it... His leg is broken will large amounts of blood pouring out.

More running, Only now I have Newt hanging on my shoulders. I run courageously, but smashing into walls. Thomas is gone, he's getting rid of the Griver. Teresa and I are running back to the Glade. We run through passed the doors and into the homestead. I smell the think amounts of blood on the wall. I hear Teresa next to me she says, "S-Someone is dead..."

I look at her shocked, "Who though?" I walk forward. I find the dead body...Alby.
Well that was really exciting 😝 CYA! Next chapter😜

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