Awoken Teresa

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I'm running towards Newt and Alby, I hear the faint noise of Teresa in the background. I keep running. The Gladers look at me, yelling at me to slow down or asking why I'm running. I don't answer any of them though, I just keep going. Only thinking of finding Newt, and then Alby. I keep Darting around running threw groups of Gladers, On of them fall over because if my shoving.

I turn and see Newt. He's talking to Thomas about something, running towards them I hear my name mentioned in there conversation. I suddenly become interested and curious, slowing my pace. Ah what are you doing! Your here to talk about Teresa, Not to eavesdrop on Newt and Thomas! I Listen to the thoughts in my head and focus on Teresa. I reach Newt. ,He looks at me, sweat on my face, "are you okay (Y/N)? You look like you've just run a bloody marathon!" Ignoring his question, I yell at him, panting,

"It's Teresa. She's awake!" Newts smile turns to a focused expression. he tells me to,

"Find Alby and meet me at the Med-jacks!" I yell back at him already running off, "One step ahead of ya." I run around the corner then another, then another. Till I come to a clearing , It leads to the homestead, where I see Alby sitting with Minho. I reach him and say the same things as I did to Newt. He just nods his head, leaving the table, not even bothering to clean his plate.

We are just about at the Med-jacks when all of a sudden, some one spins me around, "Teresa?!?"


"Wait. What how do you know my name?"

"Um... I-I don't know, But voices they're in my head, they keep telling me that I know you."


"Like your my best friend."

"Oh, okay" Teresa looks like she's just realized she has no memory of anything.

"Where am I? Why do I have a cut on me? How ol-" Teresa is cut off when Clint and Jeff come rushing towards us. Jeff yells,

"Teresa don't move!" He reaches us. Clint grabs Teresa. She screams,

"Let go of me! You piece of crap let go of me!" She's squirming, kicking, punching trying everything to break free.

"Wait!" Alby yells. Teresa, Clint and Jeff stop. "Let her go. She's just confused doing this will only make it worse." Clint nods and frees Teresa.

I look towards Newt mouthing, 'What Now?'

'Show her around' He mouths back. I give him a thumbs up. He smiles, making me blush.

I say quietly to Teresa, "Do you want me to show you around? You know, tell you stuff and explain everything." She nods.

Teresa and I walk to the corn fields. I let her sit down. Just as I'm about to sit, Teresa starts asking many questions, "why am I here? Where am I? Why do I know your name? Why did that guy grab me?" What did I do to be her-"

"Okay, okay one at a time please."

"I'm sorry... I'm just a little freaked out."

"It's okay... and hey at least you weren't like me..."

"What are you talking about?"

"We'll when I woke up here...I kinda beat the crap out of a guy, stole his knife, threatened more guys and then ran here."

Teresa starts to laugh, "Oh .wow. What happened after that?"

"We'll a guy named Newt came along and he explained everything to me. After that I slept on his shoulder, and he let me..."

"Wow. Hey um I need to ask. Where can I meet this Thomas guy? They said I was saying his name in my sleep"

Oooooooooooo Teresa wants to meet Thomas. Hey I really wanted Teresa to go to the corn fields just like you readers so it would be easier for me to get you two to relate. I hope it worked. Thanks for heaps of Reads, votes and comments I really appreciate it😝 you all are the best Luv ya'll CYA

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