Feelings exposed

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Newt sits down in front of me. I look at him, he's shaking and his eyes are darting everywhere. I feel like I'm doing the same. I grab his hand and smile. he looks up and smiles too. "So..."


"What do you wanna talk abo-"

"Look okay... I really like ya' and I ain't ashamed to admit it. All the other guys think I'm a wimp but I really don't care. Thin' is as long as your with me I really don't care what people think. When your gone I feel so alone and scared and-" I cut Newt off and just kiss him. He kisses back, but not like normal, he kisses more passionately. He continues to kiss me for around 2 minuets. He suddenly stops. I look at him and say,"Newt I really like you too." Newt grabs my hands and smiles at me. I smile at him. he moves positions and sits next to me. He opens his arms for a hug. I let him hug me. I rest my head on him. He sighs, he sighs of happiness.

"(Y/N) I love you. Nothin' in the world will ever change that. If we never get out of this hell hole I promise I will do everything to make your life better."

"I love you too Newt."

"(Y/N) there is one more thing..."


"Before they open this bloody door and tease us... W-will um... Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes! Yes! Of course I will." Newt hugs me tighter. I blush and he lets out a breath of relief. Suddenly the doors open. The guys start teasing us and shoving Newt in the shoulder. They pull me out of Newts grasp. I feel like punching them and going back and snuggling Newt. But I won't. It'll save me having more annoying teases. Minho picks me up and the Gladers all hold me up. Then it's Newts turn. They do the same and push us together. Thomas shouts loudly "They are Finally a Couple!" Everyone cheers and whistles. Do I care? No. I'm with Newt and he's hugging me again and that is all I care about.

The Gladers finally put me down and Alby calls lights out. I get ready to go to my hammock, But Newt tugs on my arms, he says scratching the back of his neck, "you...well ah I guess...wanna sleep with me tonight?" My face lights up with joy. "Yes of course" he blushes and I blush too. We quickly get to Newts bed. He slips in first. I jump in and he hugs me. He whispers to me "I love you more than anythin' in the hole bloody world." I smile, so much that nothing in the world could wreck this moment. I am so happy Newt is finally my boyfriend.

I wake up smiling at Newt. He cheekily smiles at me. All of a sudden some yells at us "hey! everyone! The love birds are awake."I hear cheering and laughing. It's Minho. I whisper to Newt, "ahh why is he so annoying?" We both laugh.

Newt speaks up,"alright shows bloody over. Let me and ma girlfriend sleep."
Everyone teases about Newt calling me his girlfriend.

I interrupt them all, "I've still got a knife you know!" They all suddenly shut up. Me and Newt start to laugh.

After an hour me and Newt get up. I go to get changed when I realize I haven't got a clean shirt. I put the rest of my clothes down and head towards Newt. When I get there I tap him on the shoulder. He jumps and then smiles when he sees my face. He asks, "What ya here for?"

"Oh nothing just came to give you a hug." I hug Newt. He hugs back. But without him knowing I take one of his shirts. He lets go and smiles. I smile to with the shirt behind my back. I say to him, "well see ya at work."

"See ya." I slip away. I get back to my hammock. I put Newts shirt on. I laugh at my smartness. I pick up my shovel and head to the fields.

Hey everyone. Yay! You have a boyfriend! CYA.

Newt x reader - Loves TouchМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя