A new Greenie

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I walk up to Newt and he gives me a hug. Pulling away, he looks confused, "are you wearing my Shirt?"

"Um Yeah... Yeah I am"

"Funny, ya' look really good."

I bite my lip, "Ha, maybe if you wear my shirts you might look just as good" I smirk and then start to giggle.

"Your tight top might rip on my bloody shoulders" he chuckles.

"In that case don't touch my shirts." Newt smirks at me.

"Ya' never know. Under ma jumper, I might bloody be wearing one right now." He tickles me and then kisses my neck. I blush. Suddenly there's a loud noise coming from the box. I see the Gladers everywhere, all coming out from all sorts of places. Newt stops kissing me and pulls my hand. I follow. He leads me to the front of the box. Just seeing the thing scares me, I hate the box. Gally stands in front, watching the doors slide open. Newt walks forward to him, he says, "I got this." He pushes Gally aside, keeping hold of my hand. When the doors finish opening. I see a girl. I fill with joy. Finally someone to talk to. Newt leans over and examines the girls face. Newt backs up as if startled. He says, "Well She ain't dead."

I ask, "how do you know?"

She just bloody breathed on me"

Newt jumps back startled, when the girl sits up and yells "THOMAS" her eyes go slightly cross eyed as she falls back to sleep. I turn and look at Thomas. All the Gladers are staring at him. Newt, quite strictly, asks Thomas, "ya' know her?"

Thomas looks a bit panicked, "N-no not at all." Everyone falls silent. The Gladers all look at the girl. Alby talks, dismissing the silence, "Clint, Jeff get the 'Green Bean' a stretcher. Put her in the sick bay."
"(Y/N) look after her. Your the only other girl. So you can give her the talk."

A little annoyed I say, "Fine."

Clint and Jeff take her to the Sick Bay, Me walking behind. I look at her. I'll admit for a girl she's very pretty. Long black hair. Bright blue eyes. Elegant face. I look at her clothes she's soaked. Strange. I enter the Sick Bay, pulling out a chair to sit on. I sigh, I sigh cause I have no idea when this girl will wake up. I might be here for hours, Days. Ahh it'll be like staying in the slammer. To busy thinking to myself I hadn't noticed I was the only one left in the room, Apart from the sleeping stranger of course. I hear a knock on the door. It's Newt. "So it's a girl."

"No shit Sherlock." Acting offended, New wipes a imaginary year from his face.

"Why ya' so mean?"

"Awww did I hurt you." I pretend to rub my eyes.

In a Pathetic but fake voice Newt replies, "Yeah you did... but I still love you." He kisses my fore head. I smile. "Well here." He passes me a cookie, "thought you might like one'a ma cookies." I smile blushing.


"See ya' later."

"Bye" Newt smiles and leaves.

I look at the girl. She's sleeping. I become bored and want to sleep. I don't even care if Alby yells at me, So I do.

--------------4 hours later-------------
I'm sleeping peacefully when a loud gasp fills the air. The sound bouncing off the walls. I wake up, Scared half to death. The girl Speaks, "M-my Names Teresa" completely terrified, I struggle to reply, "uh...um...uh Hi." Teresa suddenly snaps to her senses and has a look of terror on her face. This expression reminds me of when I got out of the box. I was a crazy girl. Who threatened to cut the Gladers. What if this Teresa is the same? What if she attacks me?!?
I look at Teresa, snapping out of my thoughts. She's sitting up right in her bed saying the same words over and over, "WICKED is good." I freak out. I call for Clint and Jeff they rush into the room. Shocked faces when they see Teresa. I'm then pushed out side, and told to tell Alby and Newt. But I'm to confused to move. I think to myself, WICKED is good, What does that mean?

Hey. so Teresa's finally in the story. funny thing is I've been dab sting putting her in it. But hey I did! Yay! Well anyways CYA! And thanks for all the votes, Reads and Comments it makes me super happy! Well yeah CYA!

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