To Hot to function

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Another year was coming in as I was sitting in the lounge room of the Dursley's with the TV on with the heat killing us as I sat there reading a book in a tank top and shorts with my hair pulled up into a bun onto my head, not wishing to have it touching my neck because it will make me more sticky to the touch that makes me hot thinking about it, Harry is out with Dudley which leaves me with the other Dursley's who could care less if I am even here because I don't disturb them. They never even bother with me at all, which is healthy in my eyes becuase we have our own lives now, "I don't know about you; it's just too hot today. And it's going to get even worse. Temperatures up in the mid-30s Celsius... that's the mid-90s Fahrenheit; tomorrow, maybe even hitting 100. So, please, remember to cover up and stay cool... with the hottest hits on your FM dial." the radioman tells us as I begin fanning myself with my book, not wishing to hear such words right now. It makes me feel hotter and sweat more. 

As night was falling, the door opened while the weatherman on TV was speaking about the weather today, "It is hot

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As night was falling, the door opened while the weatherman on TV was speaking about the weather today, "It is hot. That's right, hot everywhere. There's sweat. There's stifling." he was saying as I rolled my eyes going back to my book not in the mood to listen to the weather at the moment it makes me feel hotter at the moment, "Diddykins? Is that you?" aunt Petunia comments as I look up seeing Dudley enter with him supported by Harry but the look on Dudley made me jump up he is pale like the setting moon and clammy as I look at my brother with wonder on what happened as I turn my eyes to Aunt Petunia who looks scared on what has happened to Dudley, "Duddy. Vernon, come quick." Aunt Petunia calls for her husband as Uncle Vernon enters, with Harry putting Dudley on the chair while I stand to the side. 

At the same time, my brother steps next to me as he sits at the counter, knowing that he will get an earful for this outcome, "We're going to have to take him to a hospital." Petunia tells Vernon as I look at my brother, wondering what happened while he was out, which had him take my hand and squeeze it. He is shaking. 

Something terrible must have happened: "Who did this to you, boy?" Vernon questions as I look over to Dudley, who points at my brother as I gulp in, feeling sick at what happened to Dudley. It's like all the happiness and sunshine in him has drained away, and only one thing can do that, and it is a dementor, but they are not supposed to be around here, "Happy, are we, now? You've finally done it. You've finally driven him loopy." Vernon says as I frown on that he doesn't even question my brother on what happened. 

He jumps to conclusions on his own; danm muggles, "Vernon, don't say that." Petunia says as she gives me a sideways look, making me see that she is not happy but blaming it on us is not her intention, "Well, just look at him, Petunia. Our boy has gone yumpy." Uncle Vernon states as he turns his attention to us as I stand up taller with a little frown on my lips on his words, "I've reached my limit, do you hear? This is the last I'm taking of you, your sister and your nonsense." Vernon was saying that I was going to say something on the matter because he was being unreasonable.  

After those words, an owl flys in as my brother sits at the counter while I stand next to him; the owl hits the roof as the letter lands on the couch for Vernon to step back, looking scared while stepping back as I gulp in while the owl then hopped onto the couch and took off with the Howler then appearing to go to Harry as I gulp something terrible must of happened because the Howler is from the Ministry of magic, "Dear Mr Potter. The Ministry has received intelligence at 6:23 this evening... you performed the Patronus Charm in the presence of a muggle. As a clear violation.. of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery... you are hereby expelled... from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hoping you are well, Mafalda Hopkirk." The letter then pops back into a letter and falls to the ground as I gulp in, looking at my brother in shock. 

What are we going to do? I can't go to Hogwarts without my twin. It isn't right at all. Uncle Vernon looks at my brother with a big smile on his face, still holding his spoon from the ice cream that he was eating before the boys came home, "Justice." he points out as I  look at my brother sadly, not wishing this of him at all, but we must work something out. After that, the Dursley's took Dudley to the hospital. I sit in the lounge room after getting dressed in warmer clothes because it has cooled down out there, and I do not know what to say to my brother. 

He has made a mess all on his own; I should have gone with him, but what could I do against dementors? I haven't even learnt those kinds of spells; I comb my long red hair out of my face, breathing in as I lean back, looking up at the ceiling with...

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He has made a mess all on his own; I should have gone with him, but what could I do against dementors? I haven't even learnt those kinds of spells; I comb my long red hair out of my face, breathing in as I lean back, looking up at the ceiling with my green eyes not moving from the spot I am looking at, "what am I to do?" I mumble to myself, knowing I need a parent to understand what is happening with my brother, who is becoming more of a teenage boy, which is scary to watch sometimes. 

The front door then opened slowly as I stood up, holding my wand up for some people to enter, looking over at me in wonder. I look at them wide-eyed, knowing one of them by Professor Moody. There is Kingsley, Nymphadora Tonks and some other witches and wizards that are close to Professor Dumbledore, "Miss Potter", Moody says as I smile at him, happy that they are here; we will be able to sort this stuff out soon, "Professor Moody, I'm relieved to see you right now, and that is a first" I say with a smile for him to look up the stairs, "Harry in his room" I nod on those words as they go up with Kingsley staying with me having me to look up at him with a little look, I have not met him fully. Still, he seems relaxed, "how are you, sir?" I ask as he nods, asking him that question, "perfectly well Miss Potter", he answers as I nod those words. 

Harry then comes down the stairs with the rest of the people. We exit outside with me close to my brother's side while we walk to the curb, "But where are we going? The letter said I've been expelled." Harry states as I gulp in as we walk out of the house onto the sidewalk, wondering what will happen to Harry, "You haven't been. Not Yet. Kingsley, you take point." Moody was saying to my brother, also giving an order to Kingsley as I stand, "But the letter said..." Harry was saying as Kingsley then jumped in with a smile breaking on my face on this type of news reliving to the ears, "Dumbledore persuaded the minister to suspend your expulsion... pending a formal hearing." Kingsley tells us, as I feel happier as the seconds go by, that we will fight for this, "A hearing?" Harry asks as I look at my brother, knowing he will win for sure when he has Dumbledore on his back, "that is reassuring," I mumble under my breath as my brother nods, knowing he wishes to stay at Hogwarts. 

It is our home, not this place full of muggles that don't love us like a real family, "Don't worry, Harry, Lillian. We'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters." So Tonks tells us as I smile at the girl while Moody gives her a sideways look, not seeming impressed by the words, "Not here, Nymphadora." Moody says, which does not please Nymphadora that much about her real name, "Don't call me Nymphadora." she states as her hair changes colour to red; oh wow, she is a Metamorphmagus, that is amazingly cool. 

Moody then bangs his staff for her hair to change back to the original colour. Brooms come flying out as I catch mine in my hand, "Stay in formation, everyone. Don't break ranks if one of us is killed." So Moody was saying as I chuckled lightly on that as we mounted our brooms and took off into the air, making me stay close to my brother with a big smile on features as we flew through London with my long red hair flying out behind me, feeling quite an at peace at the moment wondering if the twins would go flying with me at Hogwarts when we get there hoping they are well and still themselves. We are travelling near the river towards who knows where, but these people only see the way with Harry and me tagalongs on this adventure of a lifetime. 

Edited: 19/12/23

Lillian Potter and the Order of the phoenix (Fifth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now