A Secret Meeting

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The following weekend I am walking through the snow in Hogsmeade with Hermione, Ron, and Harry as we discuss Harry. I am becoming professors to a group of students in defence against the dark arts, which are entirely idiotic in my head. What could we teach them, "This is mad? Who'd wanna be taught by me or Lillian? we're nutters, remember?" Harry voices as I nod that no one in their right mind would attend when they have better things to do, "Look on the bright side: you can't be any worse than old toad face." Ron states as I look at him on that point with raised eyebrows ok wow, thanks, Ron, for those words of encouragement that you are telling us, "Thanks, Ron." Harry says as I shake my head at that as we are coming closer to the Inn that we will be talking in, it's away from the public eye, so it is perfect for us right now when the toad's face is around, keeping an eye on everyone, "I'm here for you, mate." Ron answers, as I feel like they are just boys most of the time when we are with them, "Hermione, who's supposed to be meeting us?" I ask Hermione wanting to know what is happening right now with everyone meeting up with us, "Just a couple of people." Hermione answers as she opens the door to the Inn that we have made it to see such a grimy sight, with me winching at this being a meeting sight for us, "Lovely spot." Ron states as the goat then go out the back with me nodding on that, knowing that it is beaten down and looks to be an outhouse better than an Inn, "Thought it would be safer off the beaten track." Hermione says as I look at her on her being beaten, "yeah, beaten track", I say as I breathe in, stepping more inside and looking around with wonder in my eyes that something this shabby could be an Inn when the other ones are charming. 

Once everyone is here, I sit by my brother with me, not wanting to be here now. My public speaking is hit-and-miss, but I'll try somewhat with this lot who need teachers. Hermione then addresses the people we are recruiting for an army that Umbridge would not like, "Hi. So you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts." Hermione explains as I observe the people with my green eyes, "Why?" the boy next to Ginny asks as I narrow my eyes on him, not taking it seriously, "Why? Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot."

Ron says as I give Ron a look. That's not a good place to start, Ron, when you are talking to these people, "So they say."  the boy states as I frown on that, not liking this at all, they want something from my brother, and I well I will not stick around for this crap if they are going to withdraw it like a needle of blood, "So Dumbledore says." Hermione answers back with me gripping my gloves tightly in my hands, wanting to get out of here quickly so I will not be put on the spot like this, "So Dumbledore says because they say. The point is, where's the proof?" the boy says as I feel the heat rising to my head on these idiots that want something from us, "If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." another boy tries to ask as I have about enough of this for me to stand up with some of the people looking to me. Still, I do not have it today, "we are not going to talk about Cedric, so if that's the only reason you are here, I will clear out now." I hiss out while I grab my brother's arm and then turn to Hermione with a pointed look. 

Why did I agree to this meeting when people are like this, "Come on, Hermione. They're here because they think we're some sort of freaks." Harry tells Hermione I want to escape this awful situation as soon as possible, "Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" I then heard Luna Lovegood for me to turn a little to look at her and then sit down in my chair, breathing in slowly, knowing that these people need a teacher, not a hot head that wishes to escape everything by getting pissed off with it, "Yes. I've seen it." Hermione states as I look at my brother, who is relaxing like me when they are talking about something that we could teach them, "Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that." Dean voices as I feel more peace coming into me as I sit there, "And Lillian killed a basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office." Neville tells the group as I feel eyes come to me, yes, I did that, but I do not care for it becuase it is in the past, "It's true." Ginny says for me to look at her as she smiles at me; that's what friends are for, to help you when you need them, "Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once." Ron tells the group as I frown this is all tales from years at Hogwarts, but they are just tales people need to know that it is not all fun and games when it comes down to it, "Last year, he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh." Hermione says as I look at my brother, who looks like he has had enough of the tales of our greatness. I don't want to think about nightmares that still plague my dreams from those days when I have difficulty breathing some days. 

Lillian Potter and the Order of the phoenix (Fifth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now