Professor Umbridge

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Later that night, I sit with the twins in the common room, looking over their product lists, knowing that they have left me in charge of perfecting the mild love potion so much fun that will be when I have other things to worry about, "Dean, Seamus. Good holiday?" I then heard my brother question Dean and Seamus, and I bit my lip in fear because Seamus was not happy that we were in the school. You can see that plainly, "All right. Better than Seamus', anyway." Dean says as Seamus then stands up, making me look at him on that while I sit with the twins, "Me mum didn't want me to come back this year." Seamus tells my brother as I stand up, but Fred and George put their hands up to ensure I don't get pulled into that conversation. I look at them a little, and then I turn my eyes to my brother and his friends, "Why not?" Harry then asks as I gulp in, watching them. 

They have been friends since the First-year, but things can change quickly becuase of one little article, "Let me see. Because of you." Seamus says and then looks over at me as I watch him as he points over at me as. I watch him in shock at what he is doing, "and your sister, " he says as I feel sick. I am not a liar about everything that I said or saw that day because it was true, "The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you and Dumbledore." Seamus was saying Harry looks angry now. Oh, great, thanks, Seamus, this is just what we need, "What, your mum believes them?" Harry questions as I feel a fight coming on by the mood in the room, "Nobody was there the night Cedric died." Seamus was saying for me to glare at him. 

This is no time for this at all, "I guess you should read the Prophet, then, like your stupid mother. Tell you everything you need to know." Harry says as I go wide-eyed; he would never say those words to someone like that. It sounds almost cruel to the ears, "Don't talk about my mother." Seamus was saying as I put my hands on my friend's arms as they looked at me, and then I nodded to them, letting me go over to my brother, pulling his arm lightly to stop all this, "I'll have a go at anyone that calls me a liar." Harry hisses as Ron makes his way into the conversation, "What's going on?" Ron asks as Seamus points at my brother as I glare at him, he started this fight, and I will not have it continue like this, "He's mad, is what's going on. Do you believe the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who?" Seamus asks as my brother looks at me, knowing everyone thinks we're crazy, but that is ok. 

We will take it on the chin, but if they continue, we will bite back, "Yeah. I do. Has anyone else got a problem with Harry?" Ron asks as I step away from Harry to walk over to Hermione, who looks at me as I look at the ground at the feeling in my chest that hurts, "Lillian", Hermione whispers as I then go off to the dorm sitting on my bed and looking in the mirror as I move my head to the side lifting my hair seeing the scar making me touch it winching on the burning sensation that it gives off, I want all of this to stop, "I hate this" I whisper as I touch my reflection in the mirror on the girl looking back at me that looks like my mother in the flesh, "mum what should I do about Harry?" I whisper more to myself, not understanding my brother right now. He is so complicated, and it seems he doesn't want to speak with me about any of the things that run through his head like an ordinary teenage boy, and the only boys I can talk with are the twins who will not understand what is happening. 

The next day I am sitting in defence against the dark arts talking with Hermione, "you need to eat something Lily" Hermione tells me as a paper bird flys over our heads with Seamus then hitting it making me look at my best friend with my eyes full of sorrow, "I'm fine Hermione" I tell her as I play with my parchment with my fingers, "you and Harry are acting differently" she then says as I look to her with my eyes burning on the mention on us being different, "Hermione just leave it" I hiss out as the paper bird bursts into flames landing on one of the Patil's books as we then turn to look at the professor knowing that snapping at Hermione is not the way to go herself and Ron are the only other two people that are sticking close to Harry and myself at the moment which includes all the Weasley's as well what am I thinking, "Good morning, children." the toad of a woman that dresses in pink says as I tilt my head to the side at her not finding her pleasing at all, "Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations." she was explaining while walking down the alise of the desks with me biting inside my mouth not liking the sound of this lesson when she is explaining OWLs to us which I know about, "O-W-Ls." she then contuines on with the speech while getting to the front of the class when it is written on the board for us to see, "More commonly known as OWLs. Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe." she says, pointing her wand, so the books float out and down the aliases with them falling onto our desks. 

As I look at Hermione, what in the world does she mean by severe? I do not wish to think about that, "Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, from now on... you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved... course of defensive magic. Yes?" she explained as I put my hand up after looking in the book. It had no magic in it, with her looking at me with narrowed eyes. Oh, she does not like the Potters; I thank my brother for that little thing, "professor, there is nothing in this book about using defensive spells?" I question as she looks at me in shock on that, with a little sickly sweet smile transforming her features on the mention of the subject, "Using spells?" she says, then does that irritating laugh making me look over at my brother for a second and then back at the toad who steps forward to the desk Hermione. I am sitting at, "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom." she says as I grip the book more tightly in my hands, wishing to break it in two on this idiotic lesson, "We're not gonna use magic?" 

Ron then asks as I observe the professory with my green eyes unmoving right now from her figure, wondering what her answer is going to be, "You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way." she explains as I give my brother another look who looks at me also knowing he doesn't like it which I agree on becuase we are to learn spells, not theory, "What use is that? If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free." Harry then says, which does not please our new professor one bit because she snapped at him on the question, "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class." she tells my brother with anger in her voice while she is going back to the front and then turn to look onto us the students like we are ants under her boots, "It is the view of the Ministry... that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient... to get you through your examinations... which, after all, is what school is all about." she explains as I do not like this class anymore with this crazy teacher in it when can she be replaced with another professor, "ok answer me this professor how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" I ask, feeling my mood is beginning to spike up right now on her words as I tighten my hands into fists in anger, "There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?" Umbridge questions as I narrow my eyes on that question, "Oh, I don't know. Well, it might be Lord Voldemort." I then say plainly for people to flinch or whisper that I spoke it without a care in the world that I spoke his name, I believe he is alive, and I care not for what others talk. 

Umbridge looks at me with narrowed eyes and then looks at the rest of the class with her getting more annoyed by the minutes, "Now, let me make this quite plain. You have been told... that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie." she explains as I feel my blood boil more for Hermione to place a hand on my arm to calm me down which has me to breath in slowly not wishing to make it worse. Still, my brother keeps gabbing at the Hippogriff while it is pissed off, "It's not a lie. I saw him. I fought him." Harry tells Umbridge, who had made it to my desk, to walk back up the front. How did I not notice that at all, "Detention, Mr Potter." she shouts as I narrow my eyes. 

She is blind to what is in front of her, "So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?" Harry asks as I close my eyes on the memory, not wishing to stay in this classroom. Still, if I am to continue in my chosen career, I need this subject to be possible, "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." Umbridge says as I watch them hate each other, it is clear, and the whole classroom is quiet on these two arguments, "It was murder. Voldemort killed him. You must know that." Harry says, which makes Umbridge reach her limit; then, "Enough! Enough." she tells the first one loudly and the second one more quietly as she then goes back into that false image, "See me later, Mr Potter. My office." Umbridge says as she then looks at me, making me freeze in my seat at the look on her features, "you too Miss Potter", she says as the class then begins for me to gulp in, looking over at Harry with him upset, I can tell by the look on his features he wants her head it seems but why am I included in the punishment. 

Edited: 20/1/23

Lillian Potter and the Order of the phoenix (Fifth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now