Fight at the Ministry

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I am running through the main ministry hall as Harry has joined me, knowing he wants revenge because I do for killing Sirius, "I killed Sirius Black. You coming to get me?" I heard her yelling as I cast a spell to stop her from running away from us, "Crucio." I yell out for her to prevent falling to the ground and to lay on the floor looking at us. I breathe heavily as my heart is beating fast, "You've got to mean it, Lillian. She killed him. She deserves it. You know the spell, Lillian." I heard Voldemort's words as I stopped breathing, knowing I was scared now he was here with us, "Do it, " he ordered as I turned around, about to cast the spell. Still, my wand is knocked out of my hand as I look at the dark lord with my green eyes backing up a little as Harry stands closer to me in a protective manner, "So weak." Voldemort tells me as I look down and then over to Bellatrix, who looks at me, smirking at me as I gulp in, narrowing my eyes at the woman. 

I then look up when Dumbledore walks through one of the fireplaces to smile a little happier now that he is here to help us in times of trouble, "It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way." Dumbledore tells the dark lord as I look at the dark lord, knowing he will do something in that time to stop all this, "By which time I shall be gone, and you......shall be dead." he threatens as Voldemort casts a spell-like Dumbledore who has Harry and me to fly away near a fireplace for me to sit there looking at the fight that is happening as Voldemort is trying to hit us as I hide in my arms when the spell is connected. 

Voldemort then makes a fireball, and it forms more extensively into a snake as I gulp in, not liking that because the images of the Baslick are still in my mind from year two, which scares me silly. The fire then goes back at Voldemort for Dumbledore to use that as a diversion to make a water ball around Voldemort, who was being moved around in the air. I then help my brother up, walking with Dumbledore. Still, the professor didn't want us near the dark lord to push us back again for me to protect my brother as the water splashed down and then Voldemort used this black mass stuff to direct at Dumbeldore, who used the protection spell but then Voldemort pushes it back to himself breaking all the mirrors and windows in this place as I lay there protecting my brother from the glass because this battle enormous between Dumbledore and Voldemort. 

The glass was heading our way from the spell Voldemort cast, but Dumbledore made a protection spell that had the glass turn to sand for me to cover my face as the sand made a cloud of dust over us. I looked out as Voldemort looked at us. As we get up with a smile not present on his features. As he then vanishes for me to look around in wonder, I then feel this piercing pain in my brain for me to drop to the ground with my brother in the same pain, knowing Voldemort is trying to get into our minds as I have tears running down my cheeks. 

I look at Dumbledore, but it is not with my eyes. It is with the eyes of Voldemort, who are trying to control me, "You've lost, old man." I get out, but it is not my voice; I then hear my mother screaming while holding Harry with me, sitting in the crib away from the danger, Sirius dying just before for me to move around on the ground in pain with my brother; we then see Cedric die while we are trying to fight Voldemort in us wanting him out, "Harry, Lillian" I heard Dumbledore for me to see then Mr Weasley get hurt by that snake for me to try and fight it more not wishing to see the Weasley's being hurt, "So weak. So vulnerable. Look at me." Voldemort tells us as we are looking in a mirror for me to scream out in pain, wanting it to stop, not enjoying this wanting it all to stop, "Harry, Lillian, it isn't how you are alike. It's how you are not." Dumbledore was explaining it hurts so much right like my body is not my own, and I wish not to have it, "Harry? Lillian?" I heard Dumbledore ask as I moved on the ground in pain. 

I then see my friends Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, Ginny and George, but then my mind goes to Fred and all the fun times we have together, with every touch sending goosebumps over my skin because I love him; I then see my family who will always be in my mind and my godfather Remus as I know that they are my strength, not a weakness because they are always there for me when I need them and I love them for that. I reach over to my brother slowly with a shaky hand as I grab my brother's hand tightly, knowing he is also here for me. I will never lose the people I love around me till I die, "you are the weak one......and you'll never know love or friendship." I get out and winch while holding my brother's hand tighter as his nails dig into my hand. I do the same to him as I breathe in and out, "And I feel sorry for you." my brother and I say together as I look at Voldemort, knowing he will not win this one with us. We are stronger together. 

Lillian Potter and the Order of the phoenix (Fifth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now