Meeting Luna Lovegood

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After Harry returned from the Ministry, I smiled at him as I finished packing my things into the suitcase while he was sitting in my room, "I heard", I say as he sat on the bed; I smiled over at him. Still, he seems upset about something, which is puzzling me as I fold one of my shirts, "Dumbledore didn't even look at me", he tells me as I breathe in, sitting next to him while placing the shirt in my lap, "there must be a reason for this Harry" I say to him as he leans his head on my shoulder as I move some of his hair away from his face, "it will work out Harry" I tell him as he is playing with a long strand of my hair, "anything exciting happen while I was gone?" Harry asks as I smile at the mention of him wanting to know, "I know who my godfather is", I tell him as he looks at me with shock at the news, "who is it?" he asks as I smile softly at him wanting to know, "Remus" I answer as he looks pleased on my godfather being one of dad's best friends, "that is reassuring" Harry says as I nod on that as we are sitting there with us comfortable, "let's go we have to be at kings cross soon" I tell my brother as I stand up going back to my packing with Harry leaving making me sit by Queenie stroking her feathers as she is half asleep making me sigh while looking out the window, "Dumbledore what are you doing?" I mumble to myself as I exhale to continue packing my stuff. 

I walk with my brother with Remus next to me as he watches the crowds while we move. Sirius then passes Harry in dog form, barking a little at that as I smile at him being here, "Padfoot. Are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation." Moody tells Black as we come to a stop at a room for Remus to turn to me with his eyes watching me as I look at him, "have you got everything?" he asks as I nod to his question, "textbooks?" he asks as I smile feeling like I am being fussed over by a parent who helps that he is acting like one, I always wanted one like that, "all the important ones" I answer with a wink for him to chuckle on my answer, "robes and clothes?" he asks as I nod on the following question, "and money do you have enough?" he asks as I smile taking his arms to calm down my godfather, how did he think I ssurvied when he wasn't with me, "Lupin I am ok, everything is fine" I answer as he sighs bringing me into his arms as he hugs me tightly while I breathe in his scent which is comforting, "just remember to write to me" he mumbles making me wrap my arms around him to hold onto this feeling, "of course Lupin" I answer as we let go of each other and then leave that area going to the platform with me smiling brightly I have my godfather by my side. I sit on the train with my homemade potion book on my lap, looking out the window at the passing fields as I gulp in love that I am going back to Hogwarts. Still, I feel something dark deep down in my bones, "Lil's were here", Hermione tells me as I am in my little world without knowing that we are at Hogwarts.

I look at Hermione to nod on leaving the train to walk with my brother and our friends down it with some hair falling in my vision, "I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free. Better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." I heard the annoying drawl of Malfoy as I glared at him as he passed, but my brother went for them, having Ron holding him back; my brother wished to fight the pureblood wizard, "What'd I tell you? complete nutter." Malfoy says as I sigh, looking at Hermione, knowing that he always eggs my brother on at the worst moments, and it seems my brother is in a mood, "Just stay away from me!" Harry yells at them as I put a hand on his shoulder, smiling softly to try and comfort him, "Harry, It's only Malfoy." I tell him as Harry knocks my hand off his shoulder, so he doesn't want me for comfort anymore. 

Fine, be that way; I let my hand drop by my side as he walked in front of us. Neville Longbottom then joins us as I walk with him, happy to see the boy I've grown up with, "hey Neville, that looks like an interesting plant", I say as he nods at me, mentioning it with a smile going to his features, "I got it from my Gran" he tells me as I smile softly on the present he got from his Gran, "she is such a kind woman when she wants to be" I tell him as he nods on the point I am making, "that is true Lillian" he answers as I notice the things that pull the carriages. Still, I do not question it at all, with my brother asking what is pulling the carriages as I bite my lip while standing there, tucking my hair behind my ear. 


They are boney-looking horses with wings like a pegasus, "Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry. It's pulling itself, like always." Hermione answers as I breathe in, looking over to the carriage and seeing the blonde hair of the certain Lovegood that is in the same year as Ginny, "You're not going mad." the girl says, pulling the magazine she was reading down to look at us for me to smile at her knowing some people don't like her because of her odd nature. Still, I find her different to others and refreshing to talk to, "I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am." Luna Lovegood says as we all get in the carriage with me sitting there looking at everyone as they are looking at Luna, "Everyone, this is Loony Love..." Hermione was saying for me to be quick to correct Hermione, "Luna Lovegood", I say for Hermione to mouth thanks to me as I nodded, helping her in dire need, "What an interesting necklace." Hermione then comments on Luna's necklace as I smile softly at her trying to make light of the mood, "It's a charm, actually. Keeps away the Nargles." Luna tells us as I look at Hermione what a Nargle is, which is something I do not know of, "Hungry. I hope there's pudding." Luna then says as I look at her, feeling she is quite an interesting girl when getting to know her, but it seems she will never change, which I am thankful for, "What's a Nargle?" I heard Ron ask Hermione while the carriage started to move off with us aboard, "No idea." Hermione answered as we headed to the castle for another year at this lovely school. 

I am sitting with my friends in the great hall with Dumbledore doing his start-of-year speeches for school, "Good evening, children. Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank... who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures... while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave." Dumbledore explains as I sigh, wishing for Hagrid to be back. He is going business for the order, and I am curious about that, "We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... Professor Dolores Umbridge." she does a little giggle at her name, making me cringe. I already hate her, from her demeanour to her clothes. Who in the hell wears pink at her age, "And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr Filch, has asked me to remind you..." Dumbledore says for us to watch as Umbridge stands up, going around the table for me not to like this lady, "She was at my hearing. She works for Fudge." Harry tells us as I watch her closely why she is here. 

Maybe it is to try and control everything here, "Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright... happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." she was saying for me to make a face like a hell I would be friends with her she tried to get my brother expelled from Hogwarts when he was innocent, "That's likely." I heard the twins say as I looked at them, nodding and agreeing with them on that statement. 

I then turn my attention to the vile pink lady in front of us, "The Ministry of Magic has always considered... the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster... has brought something new to this historic school... progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved... perfect what can be perfected... and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." she was explaining while giggling at the end of it for me to bite inside my mouth from not laughing at her. Still, it sounds like the Ministry is taking over the school in common practices. Everyone claps slowly for her as kinder disgusted by the words she presented to me, "Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating." Dumbledore says for me to cringe, that is a word for it. I would say boring is another word for it, "Illuminating? What a load of waffle." Ron says for me to nod on that, I wouldn't use waffle, but yeah, the same point comes across, "What's it mean?" Harry then asks as I breathe in; looking up at the high table and seeing McGonagall's face, she does not seem pleased at all, "Well, it just means that the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts." So I tell our friends as I look at my friends, knowing that this will be interesting this year with this pink pimple here to stop us. 

Edited: 20/1/23

Lillian Potter and the Order of the phoenix (Fifth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now