Umbridge's Rath

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It seemed after Fred and George had been with me, I was calmer, and I thought about things more straightly than all over the place. The next morning I walked inside with Harry looking at Hermione, Ginny and Ron, who were eating like usual. Hermione looks up to us as I smile softly at my friends that I wish to make up with, "Harry, Lillian," she says as I look at Harry, knocking his shoulder lightly to continue knowing that we can't be angry with our friends, they are the only people that are close to us and will stick with us through thick and thin, "Can we join you?" Harry asks as I watch Hermione looks at Ron, who is still eating, but then we hear Someone talking outside the great hall. I look to the hallway outside, wondering what is happening right now that is causing everyone to look that way, "Pardon me, professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" I heard the toad say as I looked at my friends beginning to walk out of the hall with me, seeing quite a sight with McGongall and Umbridge arguing. 

Oh, this is to be enjoyable to see; I wish I could film this, "I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students... you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." McGongall states as Fred and George stand next to and for my brother and friends to join us in watching what is happening, which is quite entertaining to see, "So silly of me, but it sounds... as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom... Minerva." Umbridge states while stepping up a step on the stairs with me watching closely on this, "Not at all, Dolores." McGongall says as she steps up next to Umbridge with me, happy that McGongall is fighting back, she is now my favourite professor in this school other than Hagrid, "Merely your medieval methods." McGongall continues with me, watching them closely and wondering how this will end with them fighting together, "I am sorry, dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry... and, by extension, the minister himself. I am a tolerant woman... but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." Umbridge voices have McGongall step down with me wishing to help, but I am only a student, and McGonagall can fight her own battles. It is pretty depressing seeing a strong professor downgraded by this lady in pink, "Disloyalty." McGongall whispers out as I watch Umbridge look at us, the students who are watching the exchange, "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." she says with a pleased look on her features with me narrowing my eyes lightly on this devil woman who I will watch burn in hell with the dark lord. 

The evil woman then became the high inquisitor, which gave her the right to do things that are plain awful, one being no public use of affection which is plain rude in some aspects. It also means that if you are boyfriend and girlfriend, that is a no-go; Fudge even recognized that Umbridge is to be in this position but where the hell is Dumbledore when I need him? I am sitting in Snape's class one time with me next to Ron, looking at my book and wanting to go back to the lesson, but the toad is here questioning the professors, "You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post. Is that correct?" Umbridge asks Snape, who does not look pleased about her interruption to the class, "Yes." he answers simply as she stands next to him with her notepad. "But you were unsuccessful?" she asks again as I bite my lip lightly right now, wishing to break out in laughter, "Obviously," he answers as Ron is chuckling next to me as I knock his shoulder, not laughing at Snape at the moment but when Umbridge leaves with Snape then hitting Ron over the head with a small book as I look down at my work again with me giggling lightly on the hit to Ron. 

That afternoon I was sitting on the bench watching the twins as they threw around a firework but then the fun had to come to an end with the firework going into George's pocket for me to stand up watching as the toad walked away with the twins and coming to stand next to me, "she is getting annoying" Fred states as I cross my arms over my chest on that knowing it is true she needs to go, "I agree" I answer while watching her leave with narrowed eyes on the lady who is getting on my nerves. Those declarations were also annoying, with me wishing to burn them all because they were a menace while they were displayed outside the hall on the wall. A few days later, I rush over to stand with Fred and George, with me looking on with horror. This is awful to professor Trelawney, who is being made to leave the school. 

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