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There was a mass breakout from Azkaban prison. They suspected that Sirius was behind it because of his relationship with Bellatrix Lestrange. These people tortured Neville's parents, which makes me not even think of it most of the time because Neville is like Harry, and I have no parents at all. I will not let that happen to anyone else in the future. We then went back to the lessons with Harry for me to hold my wand up, knowing that this would be an exciting class because we were learning about patronus's "Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up. Keep trying, Seamus." Harry instructs as I breathe in, smiling, just hugging my mother, I know it is not accurate, but it brings me to hope that I will not let her go in the future, "Lillian, you go", Harry tells me as I point my wand to the air ready to cast the spell, "Expecto Patronum." I call out as a german shepherd sprouts out, running off for me to go wide eyes on that, knowing that was unexpected. Harry smiles at me, knowing I was thinking of mum the whole time, "George, your turn now."

I heard Harry as a Magpie, then swooping overhead for my dog to run off after it. Ok, that makes sense dogs do chase Magpies in real life, which has me smiling at the Weasley twins as the bird is interacting with the dog, "A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce......but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents." Harry instructs as my dog trips Seamus up. I go wide-eyed at the action, "sorry, Seamus," I call as my Patronus, then come back to my wand, happy that I released a full-body Patronus at my age which is difficult in some senses because that never happens. I then see Ginny Patronus, a horse, and I smile at her knowing that she is a cool Patronus to have as it rears, "Fantastic, Ginny." Harry tells her as I look to my brother, knowing he is a fantastic teacher to teach us these things, "Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused." Harry tells us as I stand with Fred and George, watching them as Fred smiles at me. 

I then felt something for me to look over at the wall with wonder, knowing that is not normal as it felt like something was banging into it, "Pebble's stay close", Fred whispered as he protectively grabbed my arm as people stopped to look over at the wall while Nigell and Harry to look around at the wall with the mirror. Still, the mirror then falls to the ground shattering on the floor as I raise my wand, but then Harry grabs Nigell and shields me from the explosion. The twins protect me as I stand up as the dust clears with my friends gulping, seeing Umbridge standing there with her minions and Flitch, but then Draco pulls in Cho as I go pale, knowing she let it slip for me to hold in my temper that is ready to spill, "Get them." Umbridge orders knowing that this is going to be painful. I have pulled away from Fred, who tries to grab my arm, but I am taken to the headmaster's office with my brother and Cho as George holds his brother back from lunging for the people grabbing me. 

I am standing with my brother in the headmaster's office, knowing that we were doing this for a good cause to learn proper spells, "Been watching them for weeks. And see, " Dumbledore's Army"......proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Cornelius." Umbridge was saying as I looked over at Kingsley, him shaking his head at me not to speak at all as I stood next to Harry with Cho here as well, knowing it was over between little miss Ravenclaw which I do not mind at the moment, becuase she betrayed all of us, "All your fear-mongering about You-Know-Who......never fooled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were: A smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry." Umbridge was saying as I rolled my eyes at those words. She is living under a rock, for that matter. 

Dumbledore did not look fazed at all, which was fascinating to watch him see what was playing in his head, "Naturally." Dumbledore comments as Harry is quick to jump in defence of Dumbledore, "No, professor. He had nothing to do with it. It was me." Harry explains as I gab him in the ribs with my finger to shut him the hell up, knowing he will be expelled if he is doing all this for Dumbledore, "Most noble of you, Harry, to shield me, but as has been pointed out......the parchment clearly says "Dumbledore's Army," not "Potter's." I instructed Harry and Lillian to form this organization. And I, and I alone, am responsible for its activities." Dumbledore was explaining as I gulped in on what the professor was planning: "Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet. If we hurry, we should still make the morning edition. Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort await trial for conspiracy and sedition." Fudge was explaining as Dumbledore does not look ready to go with Kingsley. 

Lillian Potter and the Order of the phoenix (Fifth book to Lillian Potter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora