Grimmauld Place

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Once we have landed, I look around as it seems we have landed in a park across from some lovely flats. I tilt my head slightly with wonder as if we are meeting here of all places, "Come on." Moody tells us as we all go into the street, checking if the coast is clear. Moody then bangs the end of his staff into the ground, with the flats sliding away slightly as I watch with a smile growing on my face in wonder-loving magic because it is incredible when a house is standing there. The muggles did not notice the magical moment, "In you go, son, girl." Moody tells us as I nod on that slowly with me, following my brother up the stairs. 

I open the door to walk into a dark and gloomy hallway, "There've been no sightings. No deaths. No proof." I heard someone as Moody then passed us with Tonks winking at my brother as I shook my head a little at their interaction, "He almost killed Harry. If that isn't proof enough..." I heard Sirius answer as I bit my lip lightly at the fact he was here, "Yes, but guarding you-know-what is the most important... We must trust Dumbledore on this. Was he able to protect Harry last year? Well, tonight, I say it's time to take action." I heard Remus put his two bobs in as I turned my eyes to Tonks, who trips on the umbrella stand that looks like an elephant's leg, which made me stifle a giggle on that, finding it kinder of funny, "Cornelius Fudge is a politician first and a wizard second. His instinct would be to ignore it..." I then heard Mr Weasley tell the other adults, and as we came closer to where they were talking, I noticed Sirius was cleaner than last time, "Keep your voices down." Mrs Weasley then hisses as I bite my lip lightly, still, a mother through and through, which is lovely to see, "He's getting stronger and stronger by the minute. We have to act now." Sirius then says as he looks at Harry and me with a smile on us being here. 

Mrs Weasley then appears as I give Remus a look, who nods to me, knowing that I have an understanding with the fellow wizard, "Harry, Lillian." Mrs Weasley then says, closing the door away from whatever they are doing, which looks like a meeting to me, but what about, I suspect, Voldemort, "Mrs Weasley." I answer with a smile edging on my lips on the lady in front of us, "Heavens, you're all right." she says, then comes over, giving each of us a hug, which makes us breathe in that lovely smell of biscuits that I love from her. 

She also kinder smells a little like the twins, "Bit peaky, but I'm afraid dinner will wait until after the meeting's finished." she tells us as I look over to my brother a little; he wishes to see Sirius. Still, we can always see him after when the meeting is finished, "Nope. No time to explain. Straight upstairs, first door on the left. Yeah." she says as I take my brother's arm, not wishing to stay around here to get a scolding from Mrs Weasley, "see you after Mrs Weasley" I say as she nods on that with a smile on her features on me catching onto us not being here.

As we walked up the stairs, we passed a house-elf who was getting ready to clean a portrait. I suspect of the late mistress of the house by the way he is speaking about the new people here, "Mudblood, werewolves, traitors, thieves. If my poor mistress knew the scum they let into her house... what would she say to old Kreacher? Oh, the shame." he was saying as I look at him as he glares at us as I gulp in while he does not move his eyes away from us, "Freaks." I heard the portrait hiss out as I knew behind that cloth was the old mistress and Siruis's mother, "There, there, mistress." Kreacher coos as he keeps glaring at us while standing on a stool, "Scum of the earth." the lady hisses again as we pass by, "Not like it was in the days of my fathers. Kreacher is here." Kreacher tells the lady. As I breathe in, he is death glaring at us as I bite inside my mouth lightly. Some house elves are not right in the head or pure evil, except for Dobby. He is a kind house elf who is loving and warm-hearted. 

We come to the door my brother opens, but before we are a few steps into the room, my brother sprung with a hug which makes me jump out of my skin at the sudden attack, "Oh, Harry." Hermione says to pull away to hug me tightly, making me smile lightly as she pulls away, looking at us with relief that we are ok, "Are you all right? We overheard them talking about the Dementor attack. You must tell us everything." Hermione says as I give her a look. We just got here, and already the questions are coming to us, "Let them breathe, Hermione." Ron tells Hermione as I smile at him, appreciating that he is pulling Hermione back into check like when we were younger, "And this hearing at the Ministry. It's just outrageous. I've looked it up. They simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair."

Hermione says as we enter the room some more, with me sitting on the bed nodding as I hold my hands in my lap, "Yeah. There's a lot of that going round at the moment." Harry points out as I look up, giving him a look, breathing in, looking around at the place, wondering where we are exactly, "So, what exactly is this place?" I ask as Ron looks over to me with Hermione doing the same as I turn my eyes back to them, "It's headquarters." Ron tells me as I nod for them to continue that we heard about it from Tonks when we were leaving the muggles, "Of the Order of the Phoenix." Hermione then finishes as I look at her with wonder in my eyes that I wish to have more details on all this, "It's a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they fought You-Know-Who." she finishes as I breathe in, looking down at my hands feeling that if we knew, in the beginning, we could have come here. My brother would not have had that trouble with the dementor, "Couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose? We've gone all summer without a scrap of news."

Harry tells our friends as I give him a look, knowing this is not the time and place to have a go at the people on our side, "We wanted to write, mate. Really, we did. Only...." Ron was explaining as I looked at him wondering 'only what?' it is not making sense at all, "Only what?" Harry asked my question as I looked at our friends with puzzlement. Why? "Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." Hermione states as the air are sucked out of my lungs, knowing that it is plain rude in some ways to leave us in the dark, "Dumbledore said that?" I ask with my throat closing up, wishing to cry that he doesn't need us like everyone else in this life that hurts so much to think about, "But why would he keep us in the dark? Maybe we could help. We're the ones who saw Voldemort return... I'm the one who fought him, who saw Cedric Diggory get killed." Harry was saying, as I know he is getting angry. I get up and go over to him, putting my hands on his shoulders to try and calm my twin down somewhat, "Harry, calm down", I say to him, knowing we can't get angry with Hermione and Ron for this. They didn't do anything to us. They were only listening to Dumbledore and his orders. 

I then looked over at the bed when I heard a pop—seeing the twins sitting on the bed, I went wide-eyed. They can apparate. That is so cool. I want to do that too, "Harry." they say together, making my poor brother jump a little on that as I shake my head at them, scaring my brother, "Thought we heard your dulcet tones." George says as I cross my arms over my chest, "Don't bottle it up, though, mate. Let it out." Fred tells my brother as I raise an eyebrow. When has my brother ever bottled it up? He has me to complain to about all this, "If you're all done shouting..." As Fred continues with the sentence, George then says, "Do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" Fred says, sounding like a first-year as I sigh as I follow them out of the room, "one day your mischief will come to an end, boys," I tell them as they do a mocked, offended face at the fact I point it out, "our mischief ending never in your dreams Pebble's" George tells me as I do a fake laugh which makes me walk with Hermione then to the staircase not wishing to hear more of this from the twins. 

We stand near the staircase while Fred threads an extendable ear to the bottom to listen to the meeting. I bite my lip, wondering what they are discussing and if we are needed, "If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry and Lillian. If it wasn't for Harry... we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back. They are not Children, Molly." I heard Sirius say as I leaned in closer to Fred to listen in on the conversation as he held the other ear for him to look at me a little to then concentrate on the conversation, but it was weird the way he was looking at me, "But they're not adult's either. They are not James and Lily, Sirius." I heard Mrs Weasley say as I felt pity for Sirius in some words on the mention of our parents in the sentence, "Well, they are not your children." Sirius points out as I gulp in this conversation is juicy to the ears, "They as good as." Mrs Weasley says as I wish to hug her at this moment, knowing I will always look up to her as a mother figure when my other mother passed when I was younger, "Who else have they got?" Sirius says as I smile softly as Ginny comes in, standing by me, "Hey, Ginny." Ron whispers as we go back to the meeting at hand, "They've got me." Sirius says as I look at my hands. Even if I have not met my godparent, I will always have Sirius to look up to, which is comforting, "How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather." I heard Snape, but he didn't mention me. That is quite interesting. Why would I not be mentioned, "Now, you stay out of this, Snivellus." I heard Sirius hiss out to Snape as I looked at my friends plus brother on Snape being this conversation, "Is Snape part of the Order?" I whisper for them to nod, knowing I would not wish to be near him in the order, "Git." Ron answers as I notice Crookshanks as I tap Fred on the shoulder, pointing as he tries to pull up the ear, "danm, that cat", I hiss as we try to tell Crookshanks to let go of the ear, which we are not winning. 

Edited: 20/12/23

Lillian Potter and the Order of the phoenix (Fifth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now