I must not tell lies

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Later that day, after classes, we had to go to Umbridge's office, which sucks because I was going to help the twins sell some of the products. Still, I am going to the toad's office for detention, which I am dreading right now becuase she has a personal grudge adjust my brother and me, "Harry, next time, keep your mouth shut", I whisper as we walk into the classroom seeing no one in it is freaky, "so I was to keep quiet and let her spread more rumours about us" Harry hisses out as I look to him with my green eyes covered in sadness what I am I supposed to do with him when he is acting like this he is not thinking straight sometimes, "yes you are, or we are going to be blacklisted by the whole school" I growl out to storm up to the office knocking loudly and then winching on how loud it was in this quiet room with it echoing on the walls, "Come in." I heard Umbridge say as I opened the door slowly, looking to the professor who was sitting behind her desk with me, trying on not to cringe at how pink in here and the meowing of the cats on the plates that decorate the walls; I am not a big fan of cats they make me sneeze, "Good Evening, Miss and Mr Potter." I Umbridge greets as I look at her. 

Not like I am here when I didn't even do anything in the first place, "sit." she orders for me to nod on that as Harry closers the door with me, sitting down on one of the little desks in here with me, placing down my bag next to the chair with Harry sitting in the other chair that is near me. In contrast, I put my hands in my lap, "You're going to be doing some lines for me today, Mr and Miss Potter." Umbridge explains as I go to get my quill out. Still, the pink toad is quick to say something about that, "No, not with your quill. Going to be using a rather special one of mine." this lady explains as the quill is placed on my desk for me to look at the little piece of paper while picking up the quill in my fingers, "Now... I want you to write, "I must not tell lies." she explains as I gulp in. 

She is putting us through this for her benefit becuase she does not like us. Maybe it has to do with my brother making a fool of the minister at the hearing, "How many times?" Harry asks as I nod wanting to know how many times this has to be written, "Well, let's say for as long as it takes for the message to sink in." she says as I look for some ink for the quill wondering where it is, but it seems it isn't placed on the desk, "professor you haven't given us any ink." I tell her as she looks at me and then looks out the window. I bite my lip from not saying what I think of these lines and with me wishing to push the lady out of the window, "Oh, you won't need any ink." she states as I nod on that getting to my lines as I begin to write in my simple handwriting with my hand then starting to hurt as I cringe on that as stretch my hand as writing appears on my hand seeing 'I must not tell lies' written there plain as day.

Umbridge then looks at me as I gulp in this lady is sadistic, and she is crazy, "Yes?" she questions as I wish to say something about what she is doing to us, but I stop the words coming to my lips, "Nothing." I answer as I observe her now with me, wishing to glare at her. Still, I stop that as well to keep it down in my gut for another time, "That's right. Because you know, deep down... you deserve to be punished. Don't you, Miss Potter?" she asks as I look at my brother and then down at my paper with hatred in my eyes on the fact I wish for her to burn, "go on." she says as I go back to writing wanting to throw this quill away, so it is never seen away or make it catch on fire. 

That night Fred and George were selling their products with me, sitting by the fire with me reading a book, not wanting to be near people as my hand was still hurting and I was scared if people saw the writing, they would ask if I am ok, "I'm not asking you to write all of it for me. I've been busy studying for these stupid OWL exams." I heard Ron with me tucking some hair behind my ear while reading the book with my eyes on the letters, "I'll do the introduction. That's all." I heard Hermione answer with me, smiling. She likes him. I can see it clearly as day, "Hermione, you're honestly the most wonderful person I've ever met. And if I'm ever rude to you again..." Ron was saying as I rolled my eyes and shook my head at those two, "I'll know you've gone back to normal." I heard her say as I kept my giggles in on them, never changing. Hermione and Ron join us as I look back to my book while trying to keep the tears down in my stomach, "What's wrong with your hand?" Hermione then asks as I freeze on that, looking at her on her noticing my hand quickly, "Nothing." I say, showing my other hand with no words that are printed on my skin clear as day like a scar that will never go away, "The other hand." she orders, grabbing it for me to cringe on that as she looks at it for me to gulp observing her on her reaction, "You've got to tell Dumbledore." Hermione states as she looks at the scar with me biting inside my mouth on telling a professor about the abuse we are going through with Umbridge, "No." Harry and I say together as I pull my hand away with me, not wanting to tell Dumbledore that he is far too busy to see us anyway, "Dumbledore's got enough on his mind right now. I don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction." Harry states as I nod, going back to my book with me, not wishing to see Dumbledore at the moment he is keeping things away from us; I can tell,  Bloody hell, Harry.

The woman's torturing you and your sister. If your parents knew about this..." Ron was saying as I looked at him on that with narrowed eyes at the mention of my parents, "Ronald, we haven't got any of those, have we?" I hiss out with me, not wishing to stay here talking with these people when they do not understand what we are feeling, "Harry, Lillian, you've got to report this. It's perfectly simple. You're being..." Hermione was explaining as I looked at her with it not that simple. It is not like a straight line, "No, it's not. Hermione, whatever this is, it's not simple. You don't understand." Harry states as I look to Hermione, knowing she wishes to help us, but we always push people away, "Then help us to." Hermione says as Harry then leaves us for me to look at my friends with me, smiling softly at them as I gulp in. 

I stand up, going off to bed with a heavy heart, not wishing to be around people if I am going to snap at them all the time, which is not comforting for me. That weekend I am sitting by the black lake with my hair travelling lightly in the wind. As I watch the lake with interest breathing in, I close my eyes in peace as tears fall freely down my cheeks at my soul hurting, "whatcha doing, Pebble's?" I heard one of the twins ask as I quickly wiped the tears away and then plastered a fake smile on my lips as I opened my eyes. At the same time, they then sit next to me with the trunks full of those products that they are selling, "reading" I answer as I look at them with a little smile on that not feeling like myself lately because of the flashes of visions and also my brother being a git he doesn't understand how hurt I am sometimes, "so how it is going, selling the products" I question as they look overjoyed I wish to know about there little business, "amazingly," Fred answers as I nod on that happy that they are pleased on selling the jokes they have worked so hard on since last year, "we are getting heaps of money to save up for the joke shop" George tells me as I look down at the book with little feeling in my eyes as I feel like I am braking slowly from everything, "Pebble's what's the matter" Fred asks as tears then begin to run down my face not wanting to say it hurts to think about it but I must or they will never know, "it's just, my brother being a git and also my head always hurts" I whimper out with me covering my face sobbing on all the pain traveling through me, "and I feel like I am braking from within" I tell the boys as I remember something from a dream last night where Fred leaves my life so soon I don't want that. 

The dream felt so real that the sight ripped my heart out, and Fred was crushed by a stone wall with the last laugh still on his features as I sobbed. At the same time, I bring my knees in as I weep into them, not wishing to think about Fred leaving like that, "Lillian", Fred whispers into my thoughts as I come back to the present as look out from between my hair seeing them looking at me with worry that I am crying like I lost someone important, "would you like to go to the nurse?" George asks as I shake my head at his offer, "no she can't do anything for it", I tell them as they then come in closer to bring me into their embrace as I breathe them in, sobbing silently into them, not wanting to lose them like that dream that is scaring me more and more as the days pass what am I to do if it comes to pass will I live or die. 

I am lying there with the twins dozing in and out as I hear someone crying, which has me to be in the dream. Seeing that Percy is bending over a corpse which has me edge forward on shaky feet, seeing my Fred lying there dead makes me cry out in pain. I sit up and I look around to know that I am still with the twins beside me, which has me gulping in looking at them; they look so peaceful, like nothing could spoil their mood, which is comforting, "I hope it stays like this forever" I whisper to myself as I rake my hands through my hair moving it away from my eyes while looking at the black lake with longing, "forever is a long time" I heard someone whsiper as I look to the ground seeing that Fred is awake with him looking at me with his dark eyes, "it's better than the end" I tell him as I lay down looking at him as he smiles moving some hair away from my face as I breathe in the feeling of his fingers on my cheek that he is stroking with his long fingers that are soft, "you have been crying again, haven't you Lillian" he whispers as I humm out the answer, and then I look at him as he brings me into his arms as I cuddle into his side resting my head on his chest as I place a hand on his chest, "don't worry Pebble's, I will always protect you" he tells me as I doze off to the beating of his heart next to my ear trusting he will never let me go when he holds me tightly in his hold. 

Edited: 20/1/23

Lillian Potter and the Order of the phoenix (Fifth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now