Chapter One The Truth

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Stuck up, mean, popular and bitchy those are the words used to describe Katherine Van Der Woodsen but is that really who she is?

Hi I'm Katherine Van Der Woodsen the stuck-up, mean, popular, bitchy kid everyone's been talking about but people shouldn't believe everything they see.

You know the saying don't judge a book by its cover well you really shouldn't. You see people assume that because I'm popular I have this perfect life but they couldn't be more wrong. I'm not living the life of Regina George or Cher Horowitz, their dad didn't abuse them but my dad did.

You see the popular, stuck-up bitch is just an act and it's an act I can thank my dad for because thanks to him I'm a broken sixteen ten-year-old who acts tough to hide how she really feels.

You're probably thinking why not speak up? And my answer to that is because if I speak up I'll ruin my mom's life and mine how? Well for starters my mom truly loves my dad and if she finds out what he's been doing to me she will be crushed. And how will it ruin my life? Well, I hate questions and that's all I'll be asked.

Why didn't you say anything sooner? Or can you describe what happened? I wanted to avoid all those questions so I haven't told anyone I sometimes think maybe killing myself would be the easy way out I mean god would understand why I did but then I realize the people I'd hurt if I did that so I put up with him assaulting me and go on with my day I mean I go on with my day after I cry for two hours.

And the worst part is I have to act like nothing happened I have to pretend to love this man who sexually assaults me well I pretend to but deep down inside I hate that man and I fear that man I hate him for making me have to act like everything's okay I hate him for making me fear men I hate him for everything he has done to me and I have all rights to be.

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