Chapter Two He Does It Again

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Finally my favorite part of the day school it's my only way of escaping. I know schools are supposed to feel like a prison and your house is supposed to be your safe spot but as you know that's not the case for me. I go to get ready for school when I hear loud footsteps coming towards my room and I didn't even have to look to know it, my dad.

You know what you have to do he says while taking off his pants I knew exactly what he was about to do but before I could say anything he grabs me and takes off my clothes and I start to scream for help but no one hears Shhh and be daddy's good little girl he says as he starts to cover my mouth.

I'm done now you can get dressed he says as he leaves the room as soon as I hear the door shut I start to burst into tears and walk to the shower I go to turn on the water so I could wash off this disgusting feeling but I just sat there and started crying letting the cold water poured all down my body and the mascara drip all down my face.

Well I guess I should get ready now I say to myself as I go to pick out an outfit to wear after five minutes I was finally able to choose an outfit without crying and I was off to school. As soon as I get there I'm greeted by my best friend Nicole. Hey bitch she says as she hugs me hey girl I say excitedly I was so happy to see someone I wasn't afraid of. Guess what? My friend Nicole shouts but before I could let her finish her sentence I notice a handsome tall well-dressed man.

That's what Nicole says excitedly huh? sorry I spaced out I say hoping she wouldn't make it a big deal does thee Katherine Van Der Woodsen have a crush on someone? The girl who has never had a crush on anyone before Nicole says loudly for the whole world to hear shhh keep it down I say hoping none heard her. I don't have a crush on him. I just find him extremely attractive.

Nicole rolls her eyes you like him. I can find someone attractive without having a crush on them. You know I say to her hoping she would shut up. Do you wanna know who the extremely attractive guy is or not? Of course, I do mean sure whatever I say trying to play it cool.

His name is Mateo Salvatore he's seventeen he moved from Midtown, New York City, and he's a Scorpio so you'd be compatible since you're a Taurus. And how do you know all of this? Word gets around and she winks. Oh saved by the bell I say happily because I knew the conversion was starting to get weird.   

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