Chapter 9 An Unexpected Feeling

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(Katherine's Pov)

As I get home from the gym I hear a loud noise coming from the basement so I go to see what it is. I look down and see my father's ankles sliced open and someone standing over him I look up and see my father dead in his chair all tied up and Mateo standing over his body.

But instead of crying, I hugged Mateo and thanked him because I knew I was finally safe. Now really was kicking in my dad was really dead.

But before I could really process what was going on Mateo say I know what he did to you Katherine I know he raped you.

I didn't know what to say so I just hugged Mateo tighter and look in his eyes and I asked him how could you kill and not feel any type of way about it? And he smiled and said I'm a part of the mafia and then it all made sense of course he's a part of the mafia.

He fits the description he's tall, tan, dresses formal, and oh yeah he Italian. He looks up at me and says your not scared of me, are you? And I look back at him and say why would I be scared of you? You just saved my life. He smiles and kisses me passionately and I kiss him back.

But he stops did I do something wrong I think to myself I mean I have never kissed someone before but before I could second guess myself anymore he says Kathrine I like you do you wanna be my girl- I dont even let him finish his sentence yes!

I would love to be your girlfriend good because I won't take no for an answer he says as he twirls me around. I felt like I was in a romance movie I mean expect for the whole killing my dad part. So how are we gonna clean this up I ask him?

We'll say it was a robbery gone bad I already took his watch and wedding ring off so the police will think they were stolen he says to me asks he takes the hair out of my face. Everything is going to be okay he says trying to comfort me and hearing Mateo say that makes me think everything might just be okay.  

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