Chapter 16 Meeting His Father

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( Warning This Chapter Is A Lot Longer Than My Other Ones)

(Katherine's Pov)

At first when Mateo told me his father wanted to meet me I was excited but then he mentioned going on a plane and I totally freaked out why?

Well I'm afraid of going on planes it may sound stupid but the thought of going on a plane has always scared me. Because of all the bad things that could happen like the plane could crash or somebody could bomb it.

But I think I'll be okay because ill have Mateo with me I try to reassure myself but soon as I finally started to calm down I start to panic over impressing his dad.

So I decided to do some "research" and by research, I mean looking up how to impress a mafia boss. But that didn't work so I watched a bunch of mafia movies which surprisingly helped.

I analyzed how they treated one another and how they talked and because of that

I now know mafia slang and how the mafia works which I have to admit was kinda scary but nothing I couldn't handle.

I was now ready to impress Mateo and his father or at least I felt ready and before I knew it time passes and it was five o'clock I get out of my bed as my alarm goes off telling me it was now time for me to get ready.

Now I know you're probably thinking that waking up that early is insane but I wanted to look perfect and I wanted this day to be perfect so I woke up at five and got dressed. As I go into my closet I see a black sparkly dress with a note.

I open the note and couldn't help but smile as I read what it said. Dear, Mi Amor I didn't want you to worry about buying an outfit to meet my father so I bought one for you. I really hope you like it - Yours forever, Mateo.

I didn't know if I was more surprised that he bought the dress for me or that he knew what size to get me. As I unzip the dress I notice that he had our initials put on the tag with the words for my Mi Amor.

He's perfect I think to myself as I put the dress on and when I thought he couldn't impress me anymore he does because the dress looked and fit perfectly. And I was ready to complete the look so I reached for my silver earrings and put them on.

Wow, I say to myself I look amazing and I knew Mateo would think so too and with that in mind, I decided to tease him a bit by sending full-body pictures of me in the dress. And just as I suspected he loved them more specifically the way it fits my body his words, not mine.

I know what you must be thinking you guys have only been dating for two weeks and he's already inviting you to meet his dad and to be honest if I were you I'd be thinking the same thing.

But this is different it's special he's special and before I could finish another thought my alarm goes off meaning it was time for me to go. So I said goodbye to my mom and Mateo picked me up.

As I get in Mateo's limo I start to bonce my foot up and down panicking at the thought of going on a plane as I continue to bonce my foot up and down I feel Mateo's hand on my thigh with a look of concern on his face.

Mi Amor whatever the problem is you know I'm here right he says to me as he looks deep into my eyes I know it's just  I'ts just I  stutter it's just what? he cuts me off well I'm afraid of planes.

Oh so that's the problem well there's nothing to fear my love because ill be on that plane with you and if you still feel sacred we can just drive there but won't that take long I say sacred of what his father would do if we came late.

Yes, it would take long but anything for you Mi Amor he says as he kisses my hand you know what I smile I think I can go on a plane good he smiles because we're here. Woah I say as my eyes widen a private jet? Yes, Mi Amor a private jet just for me and you.

Now let's get going Mateo says as he carries me bridal style to the jet I giggle as we enter the plane and he places me on his lap.

And I know this is the part in books where people would start making out and then have sex but that's not what was happening here instead we just looked into each other's eyes and smiled and then we made out.

But that's all we did and just like that after a long plane ride that felt like a short one we were in Chicago and I was going to meet Mateo's father. As we step out of the plane and get into the limo I feel Mateo's hand's touch mine as he looks and me and says you ready Mi Amor?

More ready than ill ever be I reply back to him good he says because we're here I turn and gasp as I look out the window and see a huge mansion with a black roof and a beautiful pool.

You can close your mouth now Mi Amor Mateo says to me with a grin on his face as opens the limo door to let me out wow this place is wow I say to him as I keep continue admiring the place.

He laughs and says I have never seen someone appreciate things like you do and I love that about you Thank you baby I say as we begin to walk up the stairs.

Mateo looks at me and kisses my forehead before he rings the doorbell and his parents open the door. Mateo his mom yells as she quickly runs to hug him hey mama Mateo responds with a huge smile on his face as he crouches down to hug his mom.

How's my sweet boy? I'm good mama and who is the beauty with you? his mom interrupts him this is Katherine mama he turns to me aww so this is my gorgeous future daughter in law his mom says as she hugs me tightly.

It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Salvatore I say with a smile that I couldn't contain hi dad Mateo says with a much deeper voice, hello son his father says with a noticeable Italian accent.

So this my son is head over Katherine heels for? Mateos father says as he reaches to shake my hand nice to meet you Mr. Salvatore I say as I shake his hand you as well Katherine he responds as he looks me up and down.

Come in Come in his mom says cheerfully as soon as I enter the door I'm greeted by an adorable Yorkie and who might this be I say while petting the adorable dog this is Adora Mateo says as he picks her up.

Well Adora I'm Katherine and it's very nice to meet you I say while Mateo shakes his head and starts laughing as he puts the dog down and takes me to the kitchen.

I see Adora really likes you Mateo's mom says good because I really like her too I say as Mateo's mom smiles and me and Mateo I sit down at the table. That smells delicious is that risotto?

I say seeing a shocked look on Mateo and his family's face indeed it is dear Mateo's mom says so Mateo's dad says as he takes a bite of his food I heard you're father died I'm so sorry for your loss Mateo's mother interrupts thank you, Mrs.Salvatore.

How'd it happen Mateo's father looks up at me as he stops eating his food. Well, I sigh trying to figure out if this was a trap by his father my father was very abusive and would rape me and your son saw what he was doing and killed him.

Wow Mateo's father looks at him with approval she's a good one son he says she didn't lie to me and I respect that. I know not to lie to anyone Mr. Salatore especially, not a mafia.

Mr Salvatore laughs and turns to Matteo and says she's a keeper hearing this made my heart skip a  beat since I crave validation especially from a father since my father wasn't the best I craved in fact I needed the praise and approval and most importantly I needed someone I could feel safe around and that's how I felt with Matteo's father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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