Chapter 14 The Burial

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(Katherine's Pov)

As soon as I stepped outside and saw my father's casket at the burial site I felt chills all over my body and tears started rolling down my face.

I couldn't help but cry because I saw for myself that it was now really over. My father was really dead. and I let it happen.

As I turn to the side I see my mom crying and screaming at my father's casket " What am I going to do without you"?

After seeing her in so much pain and knowing I was the cause of it I couldn't help but want to cry and that's exactly what I did. I went behind a tree and started crying.

I hear footsteps so I decided to see who it was and as I turn around I see that Matteo was the one who followed me and without saying a word he comes up to me and hugs me.

I continue to cry in Matteo's arms. I let this happen I tell him shhh Matteo stops me and grabs my face no Mi Amour you did not do this I did he says as he starts to wipe the tears off my cheeks.

I did it to protect you and I'd do it again if that meant that you'd be safe he says as he looks up at me. I smile at him and all my tears start to go away.

It's funny no not funny but weird, amazing and extraordinary how one person can change your mood in a second how they can turn a frown into a smile and how with just one look they can make you completely and utterly consumed by them.

And with that, I realized that he was my person he was the one thing I wasn't and didn't want to lose.

And the whole amazing thing about it is I know he feels the same way so without any hesitation I said those three words and eight letters that everyone is afraid to say I love you.

Mateo looks up and me with a smile and says I love you too Mi Amour and I always will now if your ready I think we should head inside your mother needs her daughter right now.

Thank you, for always being there for me. No need to thank me baby he says as he kisses my forehead.

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