Chapter Five Trying To heal

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  (Katherine's Pov)

My dad has assaulted me before and I usually cry afterward but yesterday was different. I felt completely numb. I mean I felt completely numb after crying for five minutes. And I think that's because I finally realized no matter how much I cry I know he's still going to do it again.

So what's the point of crying anymore when it's not helping or changing anything. I mean all crying does is waste time and ruin my mascara. There's the bad bitch I think to myself as I look in the mirror I was finally gaining confidence, I was finally healing and with that, I realized that I needed to finally call Mateo.

So that's what I did. I called Mateo and we talked for hours before my dad knocked on my door and ruined it but that didn't matter because I was going to have tons of hours to talk to Mateo at school. And on that note I got dressed for school I chose the cutest outfit I had which was a sage green blazer top and a skirt with a white top.

As I got to school I see Mateo outside waiting for me I blush a little as he starts walking towards me.

Hey Katherine I'm glad you called he says in a deep voice I told you I would didn't I? I say trying to act confident and cool That you did he says as he stares into my eyes and I stare back into his.

But before I know it the bell rings and math class starts ugh the one class I hated but I didn't hate that Mateo was going to be there and I had a feeling he didn't hate that I was going to be there either and boy did that make me feel on top of the world.

Never thought I feel that feeling while sitting in math class but that feeling was shortly over once Mr.Bernard called on me to answer a math question Ms.Van Der Woodsen he says as the whole class turns to me and stares I said what's -15 ( -5x) umm I stutter it's -3 Mateo whispers to me.

-3 I say to Mr.Bernard hoping it the right answer so we could move on very good Mrs.Van Der Woodsen he says as the class turns back around. Thanks, Mateo I say with a smile your welcome but you owe me those words stuck to me what did he mean by you owe me? What did he think I owed him?

From what I know about Mateo I dont think Id owe him anything bad maybe another phone call or something I don't know but I'm sure I'll find out. And find out I did but it wasn't bad he just wanted to walk me home and at first I was hesitant and told him, no but then he said you owe me remember and I had to say yes.

I can't say that I regretted it because if I did I would be lying when he walked me home I felt so safe and that was the only time my dad didn't rape me. It was the best day of my life and I didn't want it to end but like all days it did.

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