Chapter 15 He Knows

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(Matteo Pov)

When Katherine told me she loved me it just confirmed that I wasn't the only one who thought we were meant for each other. I knew we were both unconditionally in love with each other.

I mean she's the first thing I think about every day. How is she? Does she miss me like I miss her? But before I could finish my thought I hear my phone and as I go to pick it up I see that it's my father.

I was terrified because my father never calls me unless it's a business call or I have done something wrong. But I couldn't let him know that I was scared so I kept calm and answered the phone.

Hello father hello son do you mind telling me who Katherine Van Der Woodsen is? He says in a stern voice she's actually my father stops me.

Don't answer that because I already know who she is but how do you, I say in shock.Son, he yells you really think I wouldn't keep tabs on you I'm a mafia boss for fuck sakes.

Look my father resure's me I'm glad you found somebody that makes you happy but you need to stop seeing her. I'm not going to do that.

I say yell she's my world and I'm not letting her go so you're really in love with this girl my father asks? I am, I respond confidently fine, my father sighs but I want to meet her.

I'll send someone to come and get you and Katherine tomorrow for dinner with me and your mother. Ok sounds good see you tomorrow dad oh and son my father interrupts me I know you killed Mark Van Der Woodsen good work with the cover-up.

But before I could say another word my father hangs up. Now I was panicking. I don't know how Katherine will react once she meets my father.

I don't know how my after will react when he meets Katherine but I know I don't have time to panic. I need to call Katherine and ask if she could come with me to meet my father.

So that's what I did as I dial Katherine's number. I start to get worried on what her response would be: hey Mi Amor hey babe you okay? I swear it's like that girl could read my mind. Yeah, I am much better now that I'm hearing your voice.

I tell her and I wasn't lying. Her voice really did make me feel better. So my father found out about us and he wanted to meet you.

Oh I'd love to meet your father she says all excited so when am I going to meet him? well, he wants to meet you tomorrow Oh ok and I interrupt her we would need to go by plane since it's the quickest way to get there.

Oh umm ok she says nervously what's the matter, Mi Amor, oh nothing she says with a lump in her throat well okay I'll see you tomorrow bye Mi Amor bye babe.

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