Chapter Eleven She's Mine

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                                                                               (Mateo's Pov)

After talking with Katherine yesterday I can't help but feel a sense of relief that she's not scared. I mean most people would be scared if you tell them you're in the mafia but not my Katherine.

She's different from all the other girls. She's understanding, caring and most importantly she's in this relationship for me not for my looks or my position but for me for all of me.

I know it must be strange hearing a mafia talk about a person the way I talk about Katherine but she has that effect on me. That effect that no one has or could have on me and now that I have Katherine I never wanna let her go and I won't.

But if my dad finds out I may have to let her go because like he told me don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner but it's different with Katherine, I'm willing to do anything for her.

Which, may surprise some people but like I've always said the best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.

Ding my phone rights and I see it's Katherine hey baby can you come over I'm starting to think about my dad again and your the only one who can put my mind at ease. Ok princess I'm coming over thanks she says with a crack in her voice.

From hearing that one crack in her voice I knew she was crying. She was crying over her father and I didn't like that I didn't like it at all my girl my Katherine crying over some sick perverted fuck.

It made me want to kill him again it made me angry that someone could hurt Katherine the way her father hurt her. But I didn't have time to be angry I needed to be there for Katherine.

As I arrive at Katherine's house I realize her door is already unlocked and that could mean all of three things. One Katherine forgot to lock the door but that doesn't seem anything like her.

Two someones broke into her house and I hope nobody would be stupid enough to do that and Three she left the door unlocked for me which does but doesn't seem like her it does because it's a sweet thing to do and she's a sweet person and it doesn't because she loves giving me little kisses when she opens the door for me.

So with that in mind, I put my knife in my pockets and I carried my gun and walked into the house and there Katherine was crying on the couch I was devastated to see her cry so I ran up to her and hugged her.

Hey Hey Hey, Katherine it's okay everything's going to be okay remember Death is a part of all our lives. Whether we like it or not, it is bound to happen. Think about it this way We all have the same body, the same human flesh, and therefore we will all die.

There is a big difference, of course, between natural death, accidental death and murder but basically, the end of life will come sooner or later. And that dick had it coming nobody hurts my girl I mean nobody your girl? she giggles yes my girl your all mine I'm all yours she smiles.

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