Chapter Six I hope It's Permanent

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(Mateo's Pov a  very short chapter before you read I wanna say sorry that this is such a short chapter I was having writer block and didn't know what else to add but I hope you enjoy it)

When I walked Kathrine home yesterday I realize her dad's there but he didn't rape her this time was it because he saw that I was there or was it because he knows what's good for him.

I think it's probably both no I know it both allI hope is that he stops hurting her permanently not just for one day but forever but I guess that doesn't matter if he does or doesn't because I have a plan to kill him I know exactly how I'm going to do it.

I mean I have been planning this from the moment I saw what he did to Katherine the only thing I need to do now was figure out when I was going to do it. All I know is that I want to do it in the morning so I'd have time to kill him and Katherine can mourn the man she calls a father.

So there it was a plan to murder her father was set in stone and I couldn't wait.

Yeah, I know it sounds fucking crazy that I couldn't wait to kill someone but you have no idea how I get when someone hurts a person I love and I love Katherine.

And I am willing to do whatever it takes to make her feel safe and I'm going to do it right I'm not going to just shoot him and let him get away that easily how stupid would that be. He never that her get away that easily so why should I let him. That's right I shouldn't and I won't because that bastard deserves whatever he has coming to him even if that means death.

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