The Dinner With The Priors

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Hey guys! More than 100 reads! I'm so grateful! :D I made this chapter is a bit longer then the others, I hope you enjoy it! Bye! :)

Today was the day. The day that I'll see my brother and Caleb again. My parents and Tobias had never had a proper introduction, only a hello and a goodbye. Now they can learn about each other. I can already tell that he's nervous, the way his eyes skim across my face, not quite landing directly on my eyes when I ask him if he's anxious.

The way he drums his long fingers against the table, as if he's playing a drum.

I grip his hand as we eat lunch, and I give him a reassuring squeeze.

"They are going to love you." I tell him, he nods, giving me a shaky chuckle.

"I'm not nervous." He retorts, I sigh.

"Toby," I start, "I know you too well."

He looks at me and takes in a sharp breath, "What if they don't like me? What if they hate me?"

I look at him in disbelief. "Whats not to like about you Tobias?" I ask.

He smiles and leans in, causing me to shiver as he grazes his mouth against my ear. "I love you baby,"

"I love you too," I respond.


"Tobias!" I yell out, as I awkwardly try to zip up my dress.

I hear his footsteps come closer and closer until he walks in the closet, he looks at me up and down, I flush in embarrassment.

"Wow, you look gorgeous." He states, I smile.

"Thanks," I say softly, "can-" I laugh nervously, "Can you help me zip my dress up?"

He nods and I turn around, I pull my hair off to the side and I feel his hand brush against my back, chills dart across my spine. I feel the zipper pull up; I turn around and see him smiling at me, a warm fuzzy smile that melts my insides.

"Thanks." I repeat, blushing.

"No problem," he whispers. He kisses my forehead. "I'm going to get dressed."

I nod and pace out, giving him the closet room. I glance at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a casual black dress, my usual straight blond hair is wavy. My face has a touch of blush and eyeliner. And mascara coats my lashes. A distant memory creeps by and I soak it in.

I was going to a party with Toby, I was applying mascara and Tobias told me that I don't need makeup. I declined his opinion and he managed to tickle me so hard that I cried tears, causing mascara to run down my face.

I smile at the distant memory, our high school years. Our old life. Our college years were great. All of the phases of our life were great.

This phase will be great too. Tobias walks back in the room and he's wearing a pair of black pants and a flannel shirt. Not too formal.

"Is it good?" He questions.

"It's perfect Toby," I state. His hair is brushed so neatly that not one single strand sticks out. "You ready to go?" I ask. He nods.


We arrive at 7:35. I ring the doorbell, I could see Toby shaking. Before I can say something, the door opens to reveal my father.

I embrace him, inhaling his scent of soap and metal. The same scent when I hugged him as a child. His arms wrap around me tight.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"It's fine." He states, giving me a kiss on the cheek. He pulls away and Tobias gives him a firm handshake.

"Good evening sir," Tobias greets, a smile plastered on his face.

"Good evening Four," my father replies, grinning. " Well, enter! Enter!" He exclaims, motioning us in. We pace into the familiar and warm house. Memories dance in my vision. I've been at this house since I started to walk. I could practically remember every crease and scratch on the kitchen counter.

The scent of my mother'a meatloaf lingers in the air, the smell I used to sniff when I was younger. My mom comes in the doorway, wearing a floral dress and a printed apron is over it. I embrace her tightly, and so does she.

"I'm sorry." I repeat, and I feel her pat my back.

"It's okay. It's okay sweetie." She reassures me. I pry myself off her and Four and my mom greet each other.

That's when I hear his voice.

"It's Beatrice!" He exclaims, walking into the room, smiling. I give him a grin; I embrace him, his arms wrap around me.

And, I feel forgiven.


We sit at the dining table as my mother pours the gravy onto each plate, her long delicate fingers shake slightly, she's nervous.

Toby sits next to me on my left and Caleb sits on my left. My mother sits in front of me and my father sits on the other side of the table. (A/N: I hope that made sense guys. 😁)

"So Four," My dad starts, slicing into the meatloaf, "whats your occupation in life?"

"I'm a teacher, at Rose Middle School." Toby states.

"Oh I see." His disapproval is so noticeable.

"So I'm dying to learn how your college years went!" My mom exclaims, interrupting the awkward silence.

"They went great mom," I reply, smiling, returning to the memories, "I'm an author."

My mom's face lights up, "That's great sweetie! Are you writing something now?"

I shake my head, her smile dims down. "I need certain inspiration, but, I'll get there."

"Oh okay."

"So Four, is that your real name?" My father asks, causing me to nearly choke on my meatloaf.

"It's- it's- not my real name." Toby stutters, my dad scrunches up his eyebrows.

"What?" He asks, "What is he talking about Tris?"

"Dad, Four is a fake nickname. His real name is Tobias Eaton." I respond, scared to hear what he is going to say.

"Were you going to tell me this?"He questions, anger boiling in his booming words.

"I'm -" I get interrupted by Tobias.

"I'm sorry sir. It's my fault." He apologizes, Toby has nothing to say sorry for. My father is being ridiculous.

"No-no. Don't be sorry Toby. " I retort.

"Tris, are-" My dad states, yet I interject him.

"Father! Please!" I yell out, Caleb jumps slightly.

"Get out." My dad snaps.

"Andy-" My mother starts, but my father doesn't let her speak.

"Get out." He repeats, I shake my head, tears glistening in my eyes.

"Come on Tobias." I snarl, standing up and barging through the door.

This isn't what I wanted to happen.

All I wanted was to get on good terms with my family.

But I didn't.

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