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Hey readers!

So, I want to apologize for not updating recently, went through a writers block! Also, I wanted to inform you guys that this story is wrapping up to a conclusion soon...maybe a couple more chapters and it's finished.

Anyhow, enjoy this new chapter and I'll try to upload next Friday! :D


Tris' Point of View

*1 Week Later*

I learned too many things in a set of one week.

I'm in 20's, when I thought I was 16.

I went to college, studying to become a doctor.

I lived with Tobias, but, now, I'm living with my mother, since Tobias was too "busy".

I sighed, tapping my pen against the empty page, trying to force my mind to remember something...anything. To remember what I are before I blacked out, to remember the classes I took throughout high school, just to remember...

My doctor recommended me to sit down and to clear my mind, allow all the rushing thoughts press through the tightly-knit barrier and embrace any random information that passed through.

But, all the thoughts were relevant to the task of memorizing my life, which, from which I recall, wasn't close to the skinny, weak girl I currently think I am.

I even look different, I've gained weight, I have curves and my chest wasn't was strange to look at myself in the mirror, questioning if the person looking back at you was a dream, because, I possibly couldn't transform into this...this "pretty" girl.

But, no, I still had my blond hair, my same eyes I had since I was an infant, this wasn't a dream; as much as I would want it to be. This is me, who I became. 

A faint knock shook me out of my unraveling thoughts, I glanced at the door, seeing my mother's head peep through.

She was different too, older and somewhat more feminine, more delicate. Wrinkles beside her eyes when she spoke or smiled slightly.

However, she is beautiful, of course she was, she's my mother. Heart soft, and personality that could lift anyone's mood.

"Honey, Four is coming over," My mom says, smiling.

I couldn't help but feel a knot in my stomach, Tobias Eaton, my supposedly best friend who's been ignoring me for days, finally decides to visits me.

"Tell him I'm not here." I murmur, dragging my fingers across the blank paper.


"Mom, please, just tell him I'm sick or something."

"He misses you sweetie-"

I snapped my head to her, feeling a surge of anger burst inside of me, "Why has he been ignoring me then?" I exclaimed, feeling tears swell my vision.

My mother stayed quiet, looking down.

"Tell me who I am...please." I demand, voice shaking.

"You're Tris,"

"Not the one I know."

She frowns, nodding, "Just go out with Four, and, maybe you'll pick some things up."

"Why can't you tell me mom?"

"I can't,"

"Why not?"

"Because, I just can't-"

"Damn it mom!" I shouted, "Who am I?"

She looks at me with tears in her wide eyes, "I can't tell you," she whispers, closing my door.  I take in a deep breath, pushing back my tears. I want to  know who I am, and how could I figure out, if my own mother shuts down my questions?

I don't want to see Tobias, but, I feel that he would answer a few of my outraging questions...he was my best friend after all. 

I get dressed, sweatpants and a baggy shirt, honestly not caring about my appearance. I brush my teeth, mind going elsewhere, trying to dig in the hidden parts of my brain. I apply a bit of mascara to my short lashes, but a sudden thought shrivels me to stop.

A memory.

I remember I was putting on mascara, and Tobias wrapped his arms around my middle, forcing me to turn around.

Small chunks came, hard to uncover them, but, I remember running around, Tobias trampling me, and...kissing me.

My breath catches in my throat...Tobias and I were together? I've always had a slight attraction to him, but, imagining myself with him is like imagining myself living in an mansion...Impossible.

It's just a bit hazy right now, my silly child dreams mixing up with reality.

I sigh, dropping the tube of mascara, turning around, abruptly deciding that I didn't need that.

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