The Trigger

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Hey readers!

I'm sorry for the very short chapter I wrote! This one is longer and hopefully better!

I'll try to upload next week, but, I'm not so sure because a lot of things are happening next week that will occupy my writing time, such as my school's open house and a dentist appointment, but I'll try to write a long, or medium length, chapter.

Also, this chapter will have a few sexual references, so you guys can just skip it if it makes you feel more comfortable.

Anyway, have a great week! I'll update a new chapter as soon as I can! :D


Tris' Point of View

Tobias stopped talking to me.

I didn't blame him, since I was probably too difficult to hang out with, even my own mother had trouble speaking to me, forcing her own tongue to seal back secrets of her own daughters' life.

I sighed softly, glancing at Tobias from afar, seeing him walk down my street, his eyes looking at my I silently wished for him to knock at my door, and explain everything to me.

I have considered the odds of walking outside when he passed by, as I sat down near my front door, watching the clock tick slowly as I waited for the time for him to walk by.

I have memorized the times he paced down my street, with a dark blue jacket, that matched his eyes, his hoodie concealing his face, as if he thought I didn't know it was him; for the way he walked reminded me of him, his lean legs stepping on the floor, hands stuck in the pockets of his hoodie, headphones in his ear.

I didn't mean to memorize when he walked down my street; it happened intentionally, as I was reading near my window, I saw him pace by, eyes on my front door, as if thinking about the odds if he knocked.

Everyday, he paced by, as I was reading book by book, glancing at him from the corner of my eye, desperately wanting Tobias to come back, to not leave his broken, amnesia ex-girlfriend.

I knew why he stayed away, because he was scared, to push me too far, to shove my blank mind into shock mode.

I wasn't sure how to feel about Tobias, I wasn't in love with him, but, I felt that I should be, a gap in my gut told me so.

Christina, who was the only one who didn't keep their distance from me, came by, a small, sad, smile on her mocha-toned skin.

She took me to the movies, went on and on about Will and how they moved in together, she, at least, filled in a few gaps in my head.

"We're going to watch Forever In Love, okay?" Christina started, but, suddenly something switched on in my head; like a light switch.

And I remembered.

Everything filled in, everything connected, like a jigsaw puzzle.

"Christina!" I yelled, she startled, looking at me as she closed the car door, a scared look on her face.

"What's wrong?" She exclaimed.

I smiled at her slowly, "I remember everything."

She laughed giddily, a wide smile stretched over face.

"Oh my god!" She screeched, embracing me, pulling back, her tears gleaming in her round eyes. "What made you remember?"

"Forever," I smiled, "Christina, you have to take me to Four's."

She grinned, nodding excitedly, "Of course!" She yelled in joy, turning on the car.

I smiled, shaking my head, realizing how much I needed to see Tobias, the one who shared my forever.


Tobias' Point of View

What was Tris Prior, a girl whose memory was wiped, doing at my doorstep, pounding my door with her small fists?

I couldn't open the door, as I kept walking back and forth, choosing if I should open the door to a girl who doesn't remember me, who doesn't remember us.

I found myself opening the door, seeing the girl break into a grin, her blue-grey eyes glinting with happiness.

"Tr-" I started, but couldn't finish, as the girl embraced me tightly, I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her, feeling her grin stretch against my shoulder. She pulled away, and pressed her lips against mine.

I didn't know what to do, other than kiss back, feeling the strange flutter happen in my stomach as I felt her lips move against mine.

She pulled away after a while, her lip between her teeth, smiling, "I remember Tobias, I remember everything."

I grinned at her, my eyes watered with tears, because I missed her so much...and now, here she was, telling me that she remembered everything.

"I'm ready," she murmured, and I knew what she meant, I rub my thumb against her jaw.

"Are you sure?" I asked her, she nods nervously.


Tris' Point of View

I was ready to face my fear of intercourse.

It wasn't as scary as I thought, it was comforting in fact, to hear my name fall breathlessly from Tobias' lips, his lips pressed against my neck. Our skin against skin, moans after moans, until we both reached our climax, laying beside each other, Tobias' arm around me.

"Forever?" I asked, placing small kisses on his sweaty neck.



P.S: Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter! :D

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