The End Of Dinosaur Island Part One

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun.........

The sound of a door opening caught this guy attention. "Excuse me sir? We got a problem. It involves the 50th poachers we hired last week....." A nervous business man approach the mysterious man in the dark.

"What about them?" asked the Mysterious Man.

"They are filling a complaint that we didn't warn them about what is on that island. And they are angry that their leader is gone. Sir, if they go public about this........" The nervous business man was stop talking when the mysterious man raised his hand.

"Have my men take care of them." Said the mysterious man. "Permanently."

"I understand sir. But sir..... what are we going to do now? We are running out of poaches to hire for our cause. I know we have that thing and her ready to go but even I don't think we can retrieve all the dinosaurs if use that plan that involves those two." Said the Nervous Business man.

"Did anything from a spy satellite showed our tech boys anything that might be useful to us?" asked the Mysterious Man.

"Yes sir. Two people are been sighted on that island and from the looks of it, it looks like those two have allied with the person that has been giving us trouble on that island." The Business man showed him a picture of Mikoto and Touma walking right next to Nero.

"Names...." Said The Mysterious Man.

"The Female is named Mikoto Misaka and the boy is named Touma Kamijou. Students from Academy City. We couldn't get much info about the boy but we did get much out of the girl, thanks to our Intel in Academy City." Said the Business man.

"Does this...... Mikoto Misaka have friends?" asked the Mysterious man.

"We believe so sir." Said The Business man.

"Then get everything ready. We are going to take a little trip to that city." Said the Mysterious man.

"Yes sir." Said the Business man as we left the room to get everything ready. The Mysterious man was left alone in the dark room again.

"Soon..... the goal that my family and generations before me, have been always trying to achieve will soon become a reality! Hehehe.... hahaha..... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" the Mysterious Man laughed evilly.

Rogue the Spinosaurus has been chasing after our group. Rexy has challenged Rogue to a fight. Rexy has overpowered Rogue and kill the Spinosaurus. A mysterious man is hiding in the shadows and is going to Academy City. What plans does this evil man have for the Dinosaurs on that island?


Unknown Location.........

In a unknown location, the area is complete dark. You can only see a few armored people in this dark place. And with the way they have armor on themselves, they are not the friendly kinds of people.

"Boss. We are approaching our target." Said one of the armored men talking to his boss on a the comms.

"Excellent. Once you arrive to the designated location, begin phase one of the plan. I will arrive shortly to see the results of you and your men work." Said a male voice was heard on the comms.

"Yes sir. Over and out." Said the armored men before he turns off his comms. He looked at the other armor men and they were getting ready for their mission.


Academy City.. Judgment Office...........

In the city of Japan, the futurist city of tomorrow, it is called Academy City. A city that is populated with 80% of people with scientific powers. They are called Espers. The reamining percent of the population is people that don't have Esper powers.

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