Time To Reflect

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun.......

"Will we have to do something! If we don't find a way to get this tree off of Nero, we are going to get caught in that ash cloud!" Said Mikoto.

"Then what do we do? We are not strong enough to lift up this heavy tree." asked Kuroko.

Just when it was hopeless, something happen. The tree branch suddenly begins to be lifted up in the air. But it was not the humans or Blue who did it.

The humans and Blue looked up to see who is responsible for the tree suddenly to be lifted up. It was Rexy. Rexy had the tree in her jaws as she tossed it away.

"Rexy...." Said Nero as he can still feel the pain on his back. Kuroko and Saten quickly got to Nero and put his arms around his shoulder and begins to help carry him to the ship.

"Quickly! To the boat! Before that volcano decides to exploded some more on this island." Said Kuroko. Soon everyone had begins to head to the ship as fast as they could.

Mikoto was the first one to reach the boat. Using her Electromaster powers, she hacked the large door controls on the back of the ship. Soon a ramp was extended and the large doors into the cargo area inside of the ship was opened.

"Inside now!" Said Mikoto.

They didn't had to be told twice. Everyone begins to rush into the ship. Once everyone was inside, Mikoto got inside and hack the controls again and made the ramp pull back into the ship.

"Misaka! Lava!" Said Touma as he points to the incoming lava that is slowly approaching to the boat.

"Start the boat Sissy!" Said Kuroko as she Saten gently placed Nero on the side of the wall of the cargo area of the ship.

"On it!" Said Mikoto as her hair begins to spark electricity.

Mikoto then placed both hands on floor and let the electricity run into the ship. As she was doing this, she is getting the engine of this ship a good jump start. The turbines of the ship begins to spin at full power. The cargo ship then takes off from the coast of the island.

As the ship continues to drive far and farther away from the island, everyone looked back at the once beautiful island. Now it is gone. All that is remaining is a active volcano where the lava is destroying everything in its path and the ash smoke from the volcano is creating a very large cloud into the sky.

 All that is remaining is a active volcano where the lava is destroying everything in its path and the ash smoke from the volcano is creating a very large cloud into the sky

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Nero and Blue and Rexy look at the area that was once their home. Rexy and Blue lets out a loud sad roar. They are roaring in sadness, for the loss of their home. As they finished roaring, the large door of the cargo area begins to close up, slowly shutting the sight of the destruction of Dinosaur Island.

Dinosaur Island is gone. All the dinosaurs that once lived on that island are now captured by the master mind who plans to make an army of dinosaurs for war. He also revealed to the group that he made a hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex. But is that all he is planning for these dinosaurs? Only Blue, Rexy, Nero and the others manage to get away from the island on a spare cargo ship. The sight of the destruction of Dinosaur Island will forever burn into their minds.

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