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Last Time On Jurassic Railgun...........

As they continue to walk in the deep parts of the forest, they didn't notice that someone was watching them from the shadows. Silent as a mouse, this figure made some kind of hand sign to someone that this person knows. In the grass, something was moving towards the scouting poachers.

As the poaches begin to approach what looks like grass grown as tall as them, something attack them in a blink of a eye, before they even have a chance to see what it was. All they saw just before their death, was sharp teeth.


Back in the camp area for the poachers.......

"Sir! I just lost contact with our scouts!!" Said one of the poachers.

"Impossible! Anything on the sensor equipment?" said the leader poacher.

"Um not at the moment....... " one of the poachers pulled out a tablet that shows a certain range of anything approaching. A red dot just appeared on the tablet.

"Wait! I got something. Its approach fast. And oh my god..... Their is a bunch of them coming!" Said one of the poachers.

"How close is it getting?" asked the poacher leader.

"Its getting closer by the second." Said one of the poachers.

"Alright! Lets get out of here now!" Said the poacher leader. All the remains poachers begin to head back to the helicopters as they prepare to take off.

One of the poachers tripped. Just as he was about to get up, he heard loud stop sounds. He slowly turned around to see something he never seen before in his life. The storm lighting strikes has revealed on what has approach. A group of Tyrannosaurus Rex AKA T-Rex.

One of the T-rex got close to the poacher and roared at him

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One of the T-rex got close to the poacher and roared at him.

One of the T-rex got close to the poacher and roared at him

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