Daily Tasks Part 3

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun.........

It let out a roar just before it charge at them. Just before it could even get close to the humans, something came out of nowhere and bite its powerful jaws on the Carnotaurus neck and tossed the Carnotaurus to the ground.

"Oh my........." Said Mikoto as she was shocked of who just saved them.

This creature then bite on the Carnotaurus neck again and put tons of pressure on it before the Carnotaurus was lifeless. The creature was none other than Rexy as she placed her left foot on the Carnotaurus dead body and she let out a loud roar.

Mikoto and Touma noticed the wounds that were left by the Big One, on Rexy left side of her neck. They noticed that they were almost healed up and were almost becoming scars.

After Rexy was finishing her roar, she put her jaws over the dead Carnotaurus body and picked it up. She looked straight forward and begin to walk into that direction.

As Rexy left, Mikoto and Touma were shocked of what just happened. "Was.... was that Rexy?" asked Mikoto.

"Yep." Said Nero.

"Why did she save us?" asked Touma.

"She wants humans, in this case you two and me, to earn her respect. That is how she views the humans." Said Nero.

"And........ did we earn her respect for her to save us?" Asked Mikoto.

"Yes." Said Nero. "If you two hadn't earn her respect, you two won't be here right now."

"You make a good point." Said Touma.

Suddenly, their stomachs begin to growl. "Well, its time for to eat something." Said Nero as he begins to walk to somewhere.

"Where are we going this time?" asked Mikoto as she and Touma followed him again.

"You will see." Said Nero.


A few Minutes later...........

Nero stops near the edge of a large lake that the water is connected to the ocean water. He picked up a long stick. He also grabbed some small vines and a sharp rock and tired the vines around the rock at the end of the stick.

He created a spear. He slowly walked into a little bit into the water. He then stood still as he was waiting for something.

Then he stabbed something in the water. He lifted it up to reveal a huge fish. He then walked back onto the dry land and put the fish on the ground.

Mikoto and Touma were amazed by his skills to get that fish but a little bit worried about something. "Are we really going to eat that raw?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes." Said Nero as he used his spear to cut out a large piece for him and the other two. "Its better when it is raw."

He handed the two pieces to Mikoto and Touma. He then took a bite on the fish piece and begin to chew it. Mikoto and Touma look at each other before looking back at the fish piece and begin to eat it like Nero is.

When they took a bite of it, they were surprised that it did taste good. They begin to chew on it more as they are enjoying the meal Nero has given them.

"So........ Nero. Their is nothing dangerous in the waters like in that lake or in the ocean surrounding the island?" asked Mikoto.

"Why do you ask?" Asked Nero.

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