The Big One Ambush!

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun............

Mikoto slowly pull the lifeboat covers back when she didn't hear the storm anymore. Touma slowly looked around to see they have been drifted far away from where the ship sank.

"Great. We are stuck somewhere in the middle of the ocean." Said Mikoto.

"Rotten luck. I knew this trip was too good to be true." Said Touma as he blames his terrible luck for this.

"Yeah....... your right. But look on the bright side for the moment. We are alive right?" asked Mikoto

"For how long? We don't have any food supplies to keep us alive. Even if we did, do we even know if they haven't passed their expire date." Said Touma

"But we could find some kind of land and maybe we can work from there." Mikoto Suggested.

Unknown to them, their was a large shadow passing underneath their lifeboat. Underwater, it was a sea dinosaur called a Elasmosaurus.

This Dinosaur saw the lifeboat and even underwater, he can hear the people on it

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This Dinosaur saw the lifeboat and even underwater, he can hear the people on it. The Elasmosaurus decide to be a little bit helpful to the creatures in the lifeboat. He gently placed his head underneath the lifeboat and begin to swim with bringing the lifeboat along for the ride.

"Whoa! Whats happening!? Why are we moving?" asked Touma as he sees that the lifeboat is moving by itself.

"Who cares right?! As long as we are going somewhere, that is all that matters." Said Mikoto.

"But where are we going is the question. We have no idea where this lifeboat is taking us." Said Touma

Touma makes a good point. They don't know exactly where they are going at this point. And they don't even know that a dinosaur was responsible for their lifeboat moving.

Touma saw something over the horizon, he is seeing an island getting closer every time the lifeboat is heading that direction.

"I see land!" Said Touma as he points to the upcoming island.

"Then paddle!" Said Mikoto.

The dinosaur slowly stops as he can see the humans getting their paddles and begin moving towards the island.

Once the lifeboat reached the shores of that island, Touma was the first to get out and begin to hug the land. "I never been so happy to see land." Said Touma as he has some happy tears in his eyes.

"Yeah yeah. Why don't we at least find out which island we are on?" asked Mikoto

"Okay." Said Touma as he stood up and followed Mikoto into the forest of this island. "Lets just hope the animals or people on this island are friendly."

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