Nero True Origins Revealed

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun.............

"Hawaii. Of all the places we could have landed, it had to be Hawaii. We are now even farther away from Academy City then ever." Said Mikoto.

As Mikoto say this, Nero looks straight into the forest. For some reason, he is getting some strange feeling that he needs to explore in there and doesn't know why he is getting that strange feeling in the first place. No one is noticing him beginning to walk in there.

"But this is better than nothing zapper. At least we are in a place that has some people. I am sure if we go to a city on this island, someone might be willing to help us get back to Japan." Said Touma.

"Oh sure. Lets think about this idiot. I am sure someone will believe us that we arrived here on a ship, escaping a island with a awakening volcano due to a mad man because he decide to shoot missiles at it to make it explode. And also having two Dinosaurs with us that were from that island. Oh wait. No one is going to believe that story Touma." Said Mikoto.

Blue looks to her left to see Nero walking into the forest. So does Rexy as well. Blue nudge her head up against Uiharu back. "Hm? What's wrong?" asked Uiharu. Blue points to the forest. Uiharu looks in that direction and then notice that someone is missing from the group.

"Hey wait! Where is Nero!? Where did he go!?" asked Uiharu as she says this out loud. Everyone finally noticed to see that Nero is with them at the moment.

"Oh crap. Where did he go?" asked Saten as she is worried at the moment.

"Must have gone into the forest to explore or something." Said Kuroko as she looks at the direction of the forest.

"Lets just hope we can find him before he gets lost in there. You two stay here." Said Mikoto as she points to Rexy and Blue to stay near the ship. And then Mikoto and the others begin to run into the forest to find Nero. And Mikoto prays in her mind that their isn't dangerous on this island for them to encounter.


Somewhere deep in the Forest of Big Island.............

There was something deep hidden the darkest areas of the forest. A small light peaked through the tree leaf's to reveal a dead Hawaiian wild cattle. It had tons of slash marks on its entire body. In the shadows, a creature with red slit eyes appeared. And two claw with three fingers and one thumb reached the dead animal and brings it into the shadows. And then a loud roar was heard. The roar of a true monster. And it was on the hunt.


With Nero............

The forest trees on Big Island were really dense and a little bit thick. Of which means that it would be possible to somehow get lost in there if you don't know where you are going.

 Of which means that it would be possible to somehow get lost in there if you don't know where you are going

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