Daily Tasks Part 2

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun..........

Nero slowly climbed down from a tree and begin to walk in the open grass area of this island. He looked behind him to see Mikoto and Touma catching up with him.

"Sorry about that. But I have get here as soon as I could." Said Nero as he pointed straight ahead of him.

Mikoto and Touma saw a bunch of different plant eater dinosaurs, like the Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, and Stegosaurus were gathered around and where near what looks like a nest.

Touma and Mikoto noticed a Dinosaur that was new to them. It was a Iguanodon.

Nero walked over to one of the Iguanodon and sat near infront of its nest

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Nero walked over to one of the Iguanodon and sat near infront of its nest. Mikoto and Touma slowly walked over to Nero, carefully not to bump into any of the other dinosaurs and sat next to Nero.

"Whats happening?" Asked Mikoto

"They laid their eggs a few months ago. I believe that today is the day these eggs hatch." Said Nero.

"How could...." before she could finish her sentence, they heard a cracking sound. Mikoto look at the nest to see one of the eggs shaking and a crack was forming.

The Iguanodon that this nest belong to noticed this. It gently nudged her head against the egg. The crack got even wider and bigger.

"The egg..... its hatching." Said Mikoto as she watching something amazing.

"Um..... is it safe to be near this nest while the egg hatches?" Asked Touma.

"Its fine. This mother Iguanodon knows we are not a threat to her or her babies." Said Nero.

Suddenly, something inside the egg begin to push against it, causing some pieces of it to come off. It continue to do it until their was a large hole in the egg. The baby inside of the egg slowly crawled out of the egg. The baby Iguanodon slowly opened up its eyes to see his mom.

"The baby is imprinting on the first creature they see. In this case, the mother." Said Nero.

"Wow." Said Mikoto.

The baby Iguanodon let out a baby cry as it was now born into this world. The mother Iguanodon let out a roar as well. Mikoto and Touma ears then picked up the sounds of more baby cries as they can see the other nests eggs has hatched. The mother dinosaurs let out a roar as they welcome their babies into the world.

"Amazing." Said Mikoto.

"I know." Said Touma.

"That is why these dinosaurs are majestic creatures." Said Nero. "We will stay for a few more minutes before going to check on the other dinosaurs I have to check on."

"Okay." Said Mikoto and Touma.

Nero has begins his daily tasks when it has become a brand new day. Mikoto and Touma tried to keep up with him. They saw some baby and juvenile dinosaurs from two different species. They watched for the first time a dinosaur hatching from a dinosaur egg. Now what kinds of dinosaurs will Mikoto and Touma see on Nero daily tasks?

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