Rogue The Spinosaurus

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Last Time on Jurassic Railgun..........

The Troodons begin to roar at the Dilophosaurus. The Dilophosaurus roared back in response. The Ceratosaurus kindly step out of this roaring scenario as they can understand what is about to happen.

"What..... what is going on?" asked Touma.

"Troodons." Said Nero.

"You know them?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah. They are pack hunters but they don't behave like Raptors. Their teeth has very deadly poison in them. Once a Troodon has bite their prey, they back off and stalk them until they fall over after the poison killed that prey." Said Nero.

One of the Troodons try to bite one of the Dilophosaurus but that one Dilophosaurus was able to dodge it. Having enough of this, the Dilophosaurus hidden frills expanded from its neck. Once their frills is full expanded, it begins to shake and the Dilophosaurus let out a roar as a warning to the Troodons.

The Dilophosaurus then spit black gunk at some of Troodons eyes. The Troodons let out a roar of pain. The Troodons that were spit at, the Dilophosaurus pounced at those once and begin biting them until they stop moving. The remaining Troodon took this chance and left the area.

"What just happened?" asked Mikoto

"The Dilophosaurus poison has a very unusual component. When a dinosaurs eyes is hit by this Dilophosaurus poison, they become blind and sometimes unable to move." Said Nero.

"Yikes......" Said Mikoto and Touma.

Suddenly, Nero heard a familiar roar in the far distance. Its Blue roar. It sounds like it Blue has found something bad. Not wanting to get Touma and Mikoto attention, he grab both of them by their waist and begin leaping from branch to branch to where he hear Blue roar from.


A few minutes later..............

Nero jumped out of the trees and landed safely on the grass areas. He gently placed Touma and Mikoto as they were dizzy from the whole crazy jumping experience.

He sees Blue and her sisters near a dead Triceratops. He walked over to the dead Triceratops to see tons of slash marks and huge bite marks. Mikoto and Touma got up and shook off their dizziness to see Nero examining the dead Triceratops.

"Is their something wrong?" asked Mikoto as she and Touma approach near him.

"Yes. These bite and slash marks. They belong to a dinosaur that is on this island. I just need to conform which one made these bites and slash marks. And before you ask, it was not the T-Rex that caused it." Said Nero as he can already know what Mikoto and Touma were thinking. Their reaction confirms that Nero was correct of what they were thinking.

Nero then saw large three toe foot prints. What is unusual about it, is that the grass around it and inside of the foot print, that they were a little bit wet. Like some dinosaur walked into a puddle or something.

Nero look forward to see that the footprints were leading somewhere. "The swamp." Said Nero.

"The what?" asked Mikoto.

"Their are certain dinosaurs on this island that like to make their homes near swamp or huge lake areas of this island. The dinosaur that killed this Triceratops came from that area of this island." Said Nero

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