Chapter XXV

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With the departure of Thrawn and the death of Count Ulric, the reconstituted Cyclonian Empire quickly fell into disarray. With the leadership of the Cyclonian Empire gone, those living under Cyclonian occupation rose up and fought against them. Despite their technological advantage, the Cyclonians were crippled by infighting and lack of real leadership. The Storm Hawks soon rallied all the remaining Sky Knights and were able to push the Cyclonians back to the fringes of Atmos. In the weeks that followed, the Storm Hawks aided in the restoration efforts in the Terras that were affected by Thrawn's conquest. At the same time, the Storm Hawks were able to  One day, the Storm Hawks returned to the Cyclonian Palace to find any trace of Thrawn. 

Finn: Why are we here? Didn't you tell us Thrawn ran off in some spaceship?

Aerrow: We need to know if there's any indication that he may be coming back. The way he just ran doesn't make any sense. 

Piper: Aerrow's right. We might have caused some setbacks for him, but there was no reason for him to just run away. 

Junko: You think he's coming back?

Aerrow: That's what we're here to find out. 

With that, the Storm Hawks began searching the Cyclonian Palace for any indication of where Thrawn could have been going. Soon enough, they made their way to Thrawn's office. Once inside, they all all the artwork he had collected during his time in Atmos. All of the artwork were connected to each members of the Storm Hawks in some way or another. 

Finn: Is anybody else creeped out?

Stork: I should've stayed back at the Condor.....

As they searched for Thrawn's office, they walked to his table. When they got close to it, the holoprojection of Thrawn began to play. Immediately, the Storm Hawks became suspicious.

Thrawn(Holoprojection): Storm Hawks, I knew you would come here. 

Aerrow: What's your game, Thrawn? 

Thrawn(Holoprojection): I must apologize for my abrupt exit. There are matters outside of Atmos that demand my immediate attention. During my time on Atmos, I studied you through the artwork that connects you to your respective cultures. Through art, I saw what Master Cyclonis saw. Through our many battles, I saw what Master Cyclonis saw. It is a pity that we could not have finished such a glorious battle. 

Aerrow: This isn't over, Thrawn! 

Thrawn(Holoprojection): I'm afraid it is, Aerrow. It is unlikely that we will see each other again. Once I present my report to my superiors, I doubt they will see the same potential as I do. But I will not leave you empty handed. All the artwork in this office is yours. It is my gift to you in honor of your skills. I also present a boon specifically for Piper. All opponents are not necessarily enemies. But both enemies and opponents carry certain characteristics in common. Both perceive their opposite as an obstacle, or an opportunity, or a threat. Sometimes the threat is personal; other times it is a perceived violation of standards or accepted norms of society. In modest form, the opponent's attacks are verbal. The warrior must choose which of those to stand against, and which to ignore. Often that decision is taken from his hands by others. In those cases, lack of discipline may dissuade the opponent from further attacks. More often, though, the opponent finds himself encouraged to continue or intensify the attacks. It is when the attacks become physical that the warrior must take the most dangerous of choices. That is all I have left to say. Farewell, Storm Hawks. 

With that the holoprojection faded away. In that moment, it became clear to the Storm Hawks that Thrawn would most likely not come back. They had gained Thrawn's respect and had inherited all the artwork he collected while Piper earn invaluable wisdom from Thrawn. With that, it appeared that this was the last encounter between the Storm Hawks and Thrawn. Meanwhile, Thrawn's ship had exited Hyperspace and into Chiss Space. Once he reached Chiss Space, Thrawn contacted Admiral Ar'alani via the ship's intercom. As the holoprojection of Admiral Ar'alani appeared, Thrawn greeted her. 

Thrawn: Greetings, Admiral Ar'alani. I have reached Chiss Space.

Ar'alani(Holoprojection): Very good, Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo. We will begin your briefing immediately. Your mission is to determine whether or not the Galactic Empire would be a suitable ally in our fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. The Chiss Ascendency has assigned this mission to you due to your dealings with the Galactic Republic. 

Thrawn: How do you wish for me to conduct this operation, Admiral?

Ar'alani(Holoprojection): You will be....exiled as a cover for you to join the Empire's ranks. Once you have entered their ranks, learn everything you can about this Empire so that we may determine whether or not they will be a suitable ally. 

Thrawn: And what of my reports on the Atmos Operation? 

Ar'alani(Holoprojection): The Ascendency has concluded that Atmos is not suitable for colonization. There are far too many unknown factors for us to continue this operation. 

Upon hearing this, Thrawn was disappointed. He saw immense potential in Atmos, but he knew that there was nothing he could do to alter this decision. 

Thrawn: Very well. I shall head into Wild Space to begin my mission. I will report any findings as soon as I acquire them. 

With that, Thrawn left Chiss Space for Wild Space to begin his mission to see if the Galactic Empire would be a suitable ally in the Chiss Ascendency's fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. Though a part of Thrawn wished the Chiss Ascendency would allow him to finish his operation into Atmos. As he began his new mission for the Chiss Ascendency, he would always remember the worthy adversaries he found in the Storm Hawks. 

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