Chapter VI

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After Thrawn's takeover of the Sky Academy, Starling reached Terra Atmosia and made her way to the Sky Council. As she approached Aerys: leader of the Sky Council, Aerys greets her.

Aerys: Starling! To what do I owe the unexpected surprise?

Starling: The Cyclonian Empire has returned!

Upon hearing this, old Aerys was in a state of shock. To hear that the Cyclonians have returned so quickly was troubling news.

Aerys: Are you sure?

Starling: They....they took us by surprise. Before we could muster a proper defense, the Sky Knight Academy was swarming with Talons. Talons with advanced technology. We didn't stand a chance.

Aerys: could Master Cyclonis have returned so quickly?

Starling: It wasn't Cyclonis. It was.... him. Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Upon hearing that name, Aerys quickly realized how dangerous the situation was. Up until this point, Thrawn had disappeared after several successful military campaigns.

Aerys: This does not bode well for us. If Thrawn has taken control of the Cyclonian Empire, then we are facing a completely different enemy. We must prepare Atmos for the war that is coming. Let us hope the Storm Hawks return to help us stop Thrawn.

In that moment, Aerys and Starling moved to prepare Atmos for Thrawn's invasion. Meanwhile, Dove was brought to Thrawn's private quarters on board the Chimera. She saw that his office was filled with artistic renditions of the Storm Hawks as well ad the culture that connects them.

Thrawn: Dove. A pleasure to meet you once more. Leave us.

Talon Commando: Are you sure?

Thrawn: I am quite sure. I have much to discuss with this one.

The Talon Commandos obeyed Thrawn's command as Dove kept her eyes on the Chiss Grand Admiral.

Dove: If you're going to kill me, get it over with!

Thrawn: You misunderstand me. I am not a brute who relishes in death and destruction. Killing you will grant me nothing.

Dove: Then why bring me here?

Thrawn then pulls out an old painting from his desk. It was a portrait of what appeared to be a revolutionary wearing pots and pans.

Thrawn: Are you familiar with this art piece?

Dove: How did you.....

Thrawn: Before I attacked the Sky Knight Academy, I took the liberty of visiting the ruins of Terra Gale. It was fortunate that many of Terra Gale's art pieces survived your Terra's destruction.

Dove felt a chill running down her spine as Thrawn showcased the painting. He soon read a note that was in the back of the paining.

Thrawn: "To my loving granddaughter Dove." Hhm.

Dove: What is the point of this?!

Thrawn: War is all you've ever known, is it? Your grandfather was a fighter. Your parents were fighters. It seemed only natural for you to be a fighter. War is in your blood. I have studied the art of war, worked to perfect it. But you, you were forged by it. You were molded and shaped by the wars fought by your family.

Dove: We fought for freedom from you! Just as we do now! The Storm Hawks will return! When they do, they'll defeat you just as they did to Cyclonis!

Thrawn took interest in Dove's words as well as her passion.

Thrawn: I have no doubt the Storm Hawks will return. In fact, I'm counting on it. I've studied the Storm Hawks for years. I've studied their battle tactics. I've studied the art and philosophy as well as the history that connects them. They've proven time and time again to overcome overwhelming firepower. Their greatest strength is the gullibility of their adversaries. More often than not, they are underestimated. I will take that strength and use it against them. That very strength will be what destroys them.

As Thrawn said this, two Talon Commandos entered the room along with Count Ulric. The Talon Commandos took Dove back to her cell.

Count Ulric: Our fleet has arrived on Terra Blizzaris.

Thrawn: Have they spotted us?

Count Ulric: Our sensors indicate that the Blizzarians don't know we're here.

Thrawn: Good. Send in the Commandos.

With that, Thrawn's forces attack Terra Blizzaris. The Blizzarians were overwhelmed by the swift and decisive attack by the Talon Commandos. The battle ended as quickly as it started. As Suzy Lu and the Blizzarians were rounded up, Thrawn approached them.

Thrawn: Suzy Lu. Leader of the Absolute Zeroes. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Suzy Lu: Save it, Cyclonian! You won't get away with this!

Thrawn: Your people will not be harmed. But know that this Terra is now under the control of the Cyclonian Empire.

Suzy Lu: Laugh it up, Cyclonian! It won't be long until the Storm Hawks show up and all those Terras will slip through your fingers!

Count Ulric: Enough of this. Talons. Take them away.

As the Talon Commandos took the Blizzarians to the Chimera, Thrawn and Count Ulric spoke of the Storm Hawks.

Count Ulric: It's only a matter of time until the Storm Hawks return.

Thrawn: Agreed. When they return, we will be ready.

As the Cyclonians set up an occupation force on Terra Blizzaris, Thrawn planned for the inevitable clash against the Storm Hawks. In the meantime, he would concentrate his efforts on his campaign against Atmos. Soon, the united Sky Knights of Atmos would be unable to overcome Thrawn's tactical brilliance. All they could do was hold off Thrawn's assault until the Storm Hawks returned to defeat Thrawn, but Thrawn would be prepared for their return.

Storm Hawks: Hand Of ThrawnWhere stories live. Discover now