Chapter V

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In the wake of Grand Admiral Thrawn's successful capture of Terra Cyclonia, Thrawn and Count Ulric quietly gathered their forces for the invasion of Atmos. The Sky Knights were blind to what was going on. After weeks of planning, Thrawn was ready. At the newly constructed Sky Knight Academy, Starling along with Dove, Wren and the Rebel Ducks were preparing a lesson. Suddenly, one of the students rushed inside. 

Sky Knight Recruit: We're under attack! The Academy's under attack!

Before anyone could react, Starling looked out the window and saw Cyclonian Warships attacking the Sky Knight Academy. Starling was in shock at the sight of the warships. 

Starling: Cyclonians.....

Dove: How could this be?! The Cyclonian Empire was destroyed!

Starling saw something different in the way the Cyclonians were attacking. There was only one large warship accompanied by Talon Transport ships with Talon Skimmers. 

Starling: Something's not right.....the Cyclonians are organized.....

Wren: We will push back these Cyclonian swine! They will not take this academy!

Dove: Grandpapa's right! We won't allow them to win!

With that, Starling and Dove led the defense of the Talon Academy as Talons began landing. As the Sky Knights stationed outside the Academy engaged the Talons, the Talons began firing on them and quickly eliminated them. Meanwhile at the entrance of the Academy, Dove and Wren along with the Rebel Ducks and a group of Sky Knights gathered around the door while Starling was working on evacuating the students. 

Dove: Be ready! We need to hold them back as long as we can!

As Dove said that, an uneasy silence filled the room. Suddenly, the doors were blown open as Talons began pouring into the room. Dove and the Sky Knights attack the invading Talons, but they prove to be no match for the skill of the Talons. As Sky Knights were gunned down, Dove was forced to call a retreat as the Talons kept moving. Count Ulric was seen walking the halls while leading the troops. Dove along with Wren and the Rebel Ducks retreated deeper into the Academy. 

Dove: Starling! The Talons are coming! 

Suddenly, the ceiling was blown open as Talon Commandos and Nightcrawlers flooded the room and surrounded the Sky Knights. Left with no choice, Starling and the Sky Knights surrendered. Count Ulric soon entered the room. 

Starling: Count Ulric. I knew I recognized your foul stench somewhere. 

Count Ulric: Charming to the last, Starling. This....Sky Knight Academy has been taken. 

Dove: And where is your leash? I didn't think you had the guts to break from Cyclonis's leash!

Count Ulric: Do not mistake my actions as a military coup. I still operate under Master Cyclonis's behalf. 

As Ulric said that, Thrawn entered the room wearing a white Grand Admiral's uniform. He was escorted by a squadron of Elite Nightcrawlers. Thrawn soon laid eyes on Starling.

Thrawn: Commander Starling. A pleasure to meet you in person. 

Starling: You must be the mysterious Grand Admiral Thrawn. I must say, I'm disappointed. I expected more. 

Thrawn: There is no need for hostilities. I'm sure we can be civil about this. I am acting as an agent of the Cyclonian Empire. I bear no ill will against you all. 

Wren: You cannot defeat us all, Cyclonian swine! You cannot stop what the Storm Hawks started!

Thrawn: The Storm Hawks will be dealt with accordingly. I expect that they'll come running back to Atmos once word of my conquest reaches their ears. Count? Have the prisoners taken to their cells. I want no harm to fall on them. 

The Talon Commandos then began escorting the captured Sky Knights to a prison barge. As they did, Dove headbutts a commando and turns to Starling. 

Dove: Starling! Run! 

Starling: What about.....

Dove: GO!

Dove then attacked the Talon holding Starling. Starling then took the opportunity to run as the Talons began firing on her. While dodging their blaster fire, Starling hijacked a Talon Skimmer and began flying away. Thrawn calmly watched as he pulled out a blaster pistol. He aimed it at Starling's Skimmer. Before he could pull the trigger, Dove attacks Thrawn, but he counters it by knocking her to the ground.

Thrawn: I admire your passion, Dove. Your technique is good, but brash and predictable. 

Dove then attacks Thrawn, but was outmatched by Thrawn as he took her down. Thrawn's Elite Nightcrawlers then pin her to the ground. 

Thrawn: You have the heart of a Sky Knight. 

Dove: I'll take that as a compliment! 

Thrawn: Take them to the prison barge. 

Talon Commando: Yes sir. 

The Commandos then take Dove, Wren and the rest of the Sky Knights to the prison barge. Thrawn then turns to the sky and sees that Starling has escaped. 

Count Ulric: Starling has escaped, Grand Admiral. 

Thrawn: It matters not. This invasion is only the beginning. Soon enough, all of Atmos will fall in line. 

Count Ulric: And the Storm Hawks?

Thrawn: They'll come soon enough. They are heroes by heart. They cannot ignore the suffering of their friends. We will use this to our advantage. The Storm Hawks will be the architects of their own destruction. Prepare the fleet. We have taken the Sky Knight Academy. Now we move for our next target. 

Count Ulric: Yes, Grand Admiral.

Under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn and Count Ulric, the Cyclonian Empire have scored their first victory against the Sky Knights. Despite the escape of Starling, Thrawn was confident of the power of the Cyclonian Military. The conquest of Atmos had begun. 

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