Chapter XII

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After a long journey, the Condor made it's way to the coordinates Thrawn had given them. They were greeted by the sight of the Chimera. 

Finn: Whoa...that's one big battle cruiser!

Stork: They're not firing at us. Guess Thrawn's a man of his word. 

Aerrow: Take us in, Stork. 

Stork piloted the Condor towards the docking bay of the Chimera. As the Condor was docked, two Talon Commandos entered the Condor and approached Aerrow. 

Talon Commando: Grand Admiral Thrawn wishes to speak with you. Follow me. 

The Talon Commandos escorted Aerrow through the Chimera while the rest of the Storm Hawks stayed behind. Aerrow kept his cool as he was led directly to Thrawn's office. Soon enough, they lead him to Thrawn's office where he's observing a painting. 

Thrawn: Aerrow. A pleasure to meet you at long last. Take a seat. We have much to discuss. 

As Aerrow took a seat, he looked around to find Piper nowhere to be seen. 

Aerrow: Where's Piper?

Thrawn: She is quite safe, I can assure you. She will join us shortly. For now, let us discuss of more pressing matters. 

Aerrow felt uneasy around Thrawn. Despite his calm and collected composure, Aerrow knew Thrawn was dangerous. 

Aerrow: You went through all this trouble to speak with me. Here I am. 

Thrawn: I have brought you here to speak of symbols and heroes. Tell me, do you understand what you and your Storm Hawks have become? 

Aerrow: We help people. That's all that matters. 

Thrawn: You and your Storm Hawks have become symbols. People look upon you all with admiration. In every Terra I have conquered, the leaders were convinced that you would stop me.

Aerrow: And we will. 

Thrawn chuckles as he looks upon the mural of the original Storm Hawks. 

Thrawn: It's interesting what one event can trigger. One act of betrayal can alter the course of an entire world. It was the one who would become Dark Ace that betrayed and murdered your father Lightning Strike in Cyclonia all those years ago. Now here you are trying to live up to his legacy. 

Aerrow: Is there a point to this? 

Thrawn: I have studied war in all it's aspects. Yet I have never encountered an adversary so cunning and so unpredictable that even I find it a challenge. Yet no challenge is impossible when you put your mind and resources to it. Despite your grand victories in the past, you have revealed a glaring weakness. A chink in your armor, if you will.

Aerrow: And what would that be?

Thrawn: Like Piper, you are driven with a heavy sense of justice. You cannot allow any injustice to go unanswered. Your sense of justice has hindered you as much as it has aided you. As for me, I am driven only for results. I care not for personal glory or other trivial matters. I am a military commander. My goal is to achieve victory for the side I have aligned with. In this particular moment, it is the Cyclonian Empire I serve. I hold no resentment towards you. We are enemies, but that doesn't mean we cannot hold feelings of mutual respect towards one another. 

Aerrow began to feel a chill run up his spine. He didn't see some power hungry tyrant speaking before him. He saw a cold and calculating military mind of unmatched skill. He was a chess master ten steps ahead of everyone around him. Aerrow quickly realized who he was dealing with. 

Aerrow: You sure have a funny way to express mutual respect. 

Thrawn: War is a complicated matter. But that is a discussion for another time. Now I believe we have come to the main point of this topic. As a symbol, the people of Atmos look to you. Whether you know it or not, the people see you as guardians and protectors. As such, they would listen to you. 

Aerrow: Where are you going with this?

Thrawn: You know exactly where I'm going. You will surrender yourself to me. You will tell all remaining Terras to stand down and surrender to the Cyclonian Empire. I have no desire to spill blood when it can be avoided. This is an opportunity for us both. We can come to an understanding and end the war. 

Upon hearing Thrawn's offer, Aerrow was caught off guard. He didn't expect Thrawn to offer an olive branch to Aerrow. It was at this moment that the game changed. 

Thrawn: Lives hang in the balance, Aerrow. Lives are in your hands. You can save the lives of thousands if not millions. If you refuse, then lives will be lost. Think of all the people that you care for. Would you be able to live with yourself if they died when they could've been saved? If we fight against one another, countless lives will be lost. Is that something you can live with? 

It was here that Aerrow was in a moral dilemma. While he wanted to fight Thrawn, Aerrow's resolve had been shaken by Thrawn's words. If he accepted, he would be forsaking everything he believed in. If he refused, people would no doubt die in Thrawn's war. Thrawn made it very clear to Aerrow that a war with Thrawn would be costly. Aerrow was in a difficult situation. He had two impossible choices to make that either way would bring about terrible consequences. In that moment, Aerrow was in a crossroads. He took a deep breath and made his decision. 

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