"Mmm good morning bbg"🥺

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You wake up to Carl still sleeping so you get on top of him and start kissing him , you wake him up and he says "mmm good morning bbg" "good morning Gallagher" you say in response. Carl just lays there and you get up to take a shower. So you do and Carl is on the bed on his phone when your mom comes in the room " hey sweetie, where's Mia" your mom says to Carl . "Oh she's in the shower Ms. smith" Carl says and get up and puts his shirt on .

"Ms. Smith can you tell Mia when she gets out that I'm heading home" Carl says as he walks out the room. "Yes sweetie"your mom says. Carl wasn't really going home he was going out to get stuff for your  surprise party. You got out the shower and Carl wasn't there so you put on ( whatever you want) and when down stairs to your mom cooking. "Hey mom where did Carl go?" You ask "oh he said he was heading home honey" your mom says.

An hour or so pasted by and you got bored so you call Debbie and ask if she wanted to hang. Debbie couldn't because she had homework. So you decided to watch some Netflix , you grabbed some popcorn and watched (whatever you want). You fell asleep , and your mom left for work.

You woke up about 30 minutes later to hear a knock at the door , you run down stairs and it's Carl . "Wassgood bbg" he says while you lean in and give him a kiss.

Author: sorry this one isn't good but next one will be , also I had a dream about Carl Bahaahahahahahahah. Byeeee BESTIES✌🏽

It all started in class🥰~ Carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now