Chapter 15 | Jasper

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Brody and I worked out for an hour and then I headed back to my room to shower. Beckett and I have been hanging out, but I wanted to get a work out in and I didn't want to assume we would hangout so I went with Brody.

However, after my shower I head right to Beckett's room. I knock on the door and am surprised when nobody answers.

I lift a brow and knock again "Beckett?"

He doesn't answer and my face hardens,where is he? Suddenly someone speaks making me turn quickly.

"he's not here"

I find Beth who looks upset and lift a brow.

"he's not?"

She shakes her head.

"he went out with Derek"

I glare he's with Derek? Where? Doing what?

She sniffles and sighs.

"Do you know who she is Jasper?"

I lift a brow confused "who, who is?"

She pouts.

"the girl Beckett's with. I know there has to be someone else"

I shake my head trying to end the conversation.

"no sorry I don't know"

she groans.

"I really liked him you know. And Beckett's not like regular guys he wouldn't...she's definitely special to him!"

I pause special to him?

"Why do you say that?"

Beth sniffles again wiping her nose.

"because Beckett barely dates and he's picky, he's kind of shy when it comes to romance but in a good way"

She starts to smile lightly before crying.

"he wouldn't just give himself to someone like that if he didn't care about them"

I lift a brow "you mean his hickey?"

She nods.

"it was clearly a passionate exchange"

This makes me smirk "I see"

She wipes her face again before sighing.

"oh I'm sorry I'm keeping you. I just thought I'd ask"

I shrug "all good"

She looks to her feet mumbling.

"I just hope she loves him as strongly as he loves her, Beckett doesn't deserves a broken heart"

I pause, love? a broken heart? Could I give Beckett have a broken heart? I shake my head that isn't what this is.

She sighs.

"sorry Jasper uh go ahead"

I nod and move past her heading to leave, but pause when I hear Beckett's voice. I turn just as he round the corner at the other end of the hallway with Derek next to him. They stop in front of Beckett's door oblivious to me and Derek nods.

"you good?"

Beckett shrugs.

"yeah thanks, tennis was fun"

Derek rolls his eyes, but nods anyway.

"I'll catch you later"

Beckett gives him a smile and turns to unlocks his door. I walk toward him and Derek nods passing me.

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