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The next day I wake up to a silent apartment. I hid the money my mom left for me in the safe just in case. Luckily there was no intruder, and I was quite tired from socializing yesterday more than I am used to so I fell asleep easily.

I finish applying my natural makeup before grabbing Kevin moon's jacket from yesterday and heading out the door- triple checking everything is locked. I head down the creaky stairs, I don't think my large boots help with the dangerousness of this but I'll take my chances.

I arrive on the ground floor at the lobby, the security lady watching a different movie this time, and I scan the room briefly.

It's empty other than me. What did I expect. Did I really think he would show up? heck, I should know better by now.

For some reason I'm slightly disappointed, I thought Kevin was genuine, but I guess-

As soon as I place my hand on the doors to leave the lobby, it opens from the other side. I nearly run into the boy carrying two iced coffees in his hands.

"AhHhh!" he steps back carefully, freezing in his place as to not spill the drinks.

I recognize that black turtleneck

"You were about to leave without me!" Kevin moon says, a small joking pout evident on his face as he catches his breath.

"Yeah I figured you wouldn't have shown up" I shrug.

Kevin looks at me a bit puzzled but just shakes his head. "I'll always show up when you want me to!" he upturns his lips more and hands one coffee to me.

"Hey kids go flirt outside you're letting the cold air in!" The security lady yells from across the room.

Both Kevin and I turn a shade of pink and leave the lobby doorframe. The clear glass door closes with a thud behind us and we start walking down the street.

After a few moments of silence and walking in the brisk fall weather I muster up the courage to speak.

"Thanks" I say, still looking at the ground. "For the coffee- I mean"

Kevin looks at me and smiles, "of course!"
I hold out his jacket towards him to return it.

"It's getting more cold today- do you want to wear it?" Kevin asks.

"No that's alright. I don't really get cold." I fib.

Kevin just nods, looking slightly skeptical and says, "let me know if you change your mind" and takes the jacket back.

We walk all the way to school in silence. Luckily it's not like in the kdramas- when we walk down the hall nobody stares or anything. People are very cliquey at this school- not sparing a glance at anyone who's not in their friend group or in their circle of gossip.

Of course as you may have guessed I have no friends. But it's better this way. Nobody can break my heart, and all these people will separate after high school what's the point.

Kevin and I find our seats in the back of the class, only like a third of the students arrived this early. I hang my backpack on the back of my chair and sit down.

I take some beading stuff out from inside my desk and start on a new bracelet.

"Oh? What's that?" Kevin asks when he sits down next to me.

"Just some- um, a craft" I say. I stop breathing and freeze when he leans in close to examine it.

"It looks so cool!" Kevin says and leans back in his chair. Phew I can breathe again.

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