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"Sunhee I really like you" Kevin blurts out.

My cheeks turn pink and I smile at him. He doesn't lean back and we're both under the same understanding that he doesn't have to be so careful around me anymore. He has my full trust.

Kevin sits next to me, our backs against the balcony railing as the rain continues on. I notice how he sits directly next to me, no space between us, and I notice how I'm not bothered at all by it.

"So how was your peer first responder meeting?" I ask, not knowing what to talk about. Obviously I can't go to sleep now.

"Oh right... about that, I uh- I quit" Kevin rubs the back of his neck

"Huh?! Quit?? B-but you like helping people and-"

"Well you were my only 'patient' anyways... and I thought you know, I didn't want you to think it was my 'job' to hang out with you. Because it's not, it's the only thing I want to do, seriously from my heart" Kevin explains. "I love spending time with you."

That's so sweet. And I'm such an idiot for getting so angry at him.

"God, I'm such a-"

"Hey hey hey," Kevin stops my self roast. "I will not have my girlfriend insulting herself, nope not on my watch."

Smooth, Kevin Moon... real smooth

I can't even bring myself to look at him so I stare at the ground. But when I feel him looking at me to see if what he said was alright, I can't hold back my smile.

"Would you?" Kevin asks. "Would you like to go out with me?"

"Yes, I really would" I grin.

I glance at him and his big smile lights up the whole world.

"But this doesn't change anything" Kevin adds.

I glance at him in confusion. Really? Because this changes everything for me.

"... I mean it doesn't change the fact that I'll only do things you're comfortable with yeah?" Kevin turns to me, a bit more serious.

But his seriousness in this matter just makes my heart beat faster for him.

"Yeah" I nod. "I know."

"Alrighty then," Kevin stands up and holds his hand out towards me.

I take it in mine without hesitation and I stand up easily.

We go inside, shutting the rain out, into the warm apartment. It feels even more like home now.

We dry ourselves off and I start to walk to my bedroom to sleep, but Kevin takes my wrist gently.

"Goodnight babe," he kisses my cheek softly before speed shuffling to his own room, but I can tell his face is as blushed as mine.

the next day, Saturday.

I wake up the next day with an immediate smile on my face.

I get dressed in a white turtleneck and a long black cardigan and high waisted jeans. I sit at the desk and stare at my face in the mirror.

Okay. So I have a boyfriend now. I just can't believe it. I told myself this would never happen again. But here we are. But Kevin is different. He's so different from Hanbyul it confuses me sometimes. I just hope I can be a good girlfriend.

I pin my safety pins on my pocket as I consider all the things that will be different in my life now.

I hear a knock on my door. "Can I come in?" Kevin asks from the other side.

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