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"okay, I'm on my way," I say, after chanhee gives me his address after some protesting.

After half an hour of walking I arrive in a neighborhood of relatively nice houses, certainly larger than I expected. Sure, we joke about Chanhee carrying around gucci and celine around with him, but I didn't actually put that into consideration when I called him.

Maybe I should've called Changmin, I think, but then the front door opens and Chanhee pokes his bleached blonde haired head outside.

"Are you just gonna stare at my house or...?"

I snap back into reality and I walk up the steps to the front door. Chanhee looks at me with suspicion as he leads me up some fancy stairs to his room. I step inside and his room is very large, its completely organized and neat, it suits him.

"Mind explaining to me why you're here?" He asks, and sits down on his bed.

"I-uh, we sort of fight. Me and Kevin," I say.

"Huh?? Really??" Chanhee gasps, suddenly his attention span increases.

I explain to him what happened, including what Seohye and her friends said to me at that party. I tell him about the phone call too.

"Omg... Sunhee. You're so dumb" Chanhee says.


"you really believe Seohye and Anna over your own boyfriend??" Chanhee yelps.

"I know, it was stupid,"

"Yeah, so stupid,"

"Okay but, I didn't come here to get bashed by you. I came here because I have a plan," I say.

"I'm usually all for drama and all that. But I really think you should mend things with Kevin before you start with Anna," Chanhee advises.

At that moment his phone rings, and he gasps and shows me that it's Kevin. He answers and puts it on speaker.

"Hello?" Chanhee says, a small glint of smile in his voice, he really lives for the tea.

"Hey," Kevin sniffles, and I can tell from his voice that he was crying.

I slap both hands over my mouth to stop from shouting.

"Is Sunhee with you right now? Is she safe?" He asks immediately.

"Uh yeah, she's in the bathroom right now," chanhee, the professional liar, says.

"Oh, okay. Uh, don't tell her I called. I don't want her to be worried that she knows that I'm worried, because I'm not supposed to be worried right now, but I am, so." Kevin says.

"Okay, I won't. I have to go kev, see you at school," Chanhee says, nearly hyperventilating.

"yeah okay bye," Kevin hangs up, and as soon as he does, chanhee and I both jump around the room screaming.

"B-but I left because I didn't want him to worry for the night, but now that I know he's worrying, I'm worrying more, which means that he's worrying that I'm worrying, which is exactly what I didn't want to happen!" I shout.

"I KNOW" Chanhee yells. "that's why you're soulmates"

I collapse on Chanhee's bed and he collapses next to me. Just then we hear a door slam somewhere down the hall. Then comes the yelling, it's arguing but so much worse. And it becomes even worse when I glance over at Chanhee, who is closing his eyes, seemingly trying to stay calm.

The arguing continues, it's impossible to hear what it's about, but clearly it's his parents, and this is not the first time. A door slams again and then silence. Awful, terrible silence. It's been a while since I heard parents arguing, and my sympathy for Chanhee grows larger.

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