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"Oh!" I stumble back, "I forgot you were here,"

Kevin laughs but asks again who it was.

"Ah, that was my older brother, Hyunjae, you know the one that Sunwoo wants an autograph from?" I explain.

"Ahh, of course!" Kevin pinches his arm. "Sorry, if I sounded like... like-"

"Jealous?" I finish for him.

"Yeah..." he laughs at himself.

"It's okay, it did sound kind of sus," I agree.

"Anyways, uh did you forget to tell me something?" Kevin asks.


"YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?!" Kevin exclaims.

"Oh, yeah? Did you not know??" I laugh.

"Miss ma'am I come from Canada! We could've been talking English to each other this whole time!" He says.

"Ohh, that's true!"

"Are you fluent? You sound like you're from america" Kevin asks.

"Ehh, sort of fluent since Hyunjae always pushes me to learn it" I say.

After Kevin gets over the fact that I speak English, he urges me to watch these very short stupid videos called Vines, but I continue declining.

"Come on, just one more," Kevin says, pushing his phone towards me.

"I kindly laughed at the Hoya one, now go away ungrateful fool," I walk to Kevin's room where we do homework at his desk, and he trails behind me.

"Oh yeah? Well id rather be an ungrateful fool than an uncultured swine!" Kevin shoots back at me.

I narrow my eyes at him, containing laughter, before turning back to my homework.

Admitting defeat, Kevin laughs and quickly grabs a pile of clothes from his closet. "I'm gonna shower, I'll do homework after"

I hum in response and Kevin leaves the room, closing the door and goes into the bathroom.

I continue filling out a worksheet for English class, usually it's easy for me, but now we're onto fancier vocabulary words like bravado, epitome, or paradox.

I hear the shower water running and loud music playing from the bathroom next to this room.

I block out Kevin's singing (it's very good but very loud) and focus on the homework.

Eventually the water stops and the music turns down and I hear a shout:

"Sunhee, can you grab a shirt from my closet and just put it outside the bathroom door? I forgot one," kevin yells.

"Yeah one second," I shout back, determined to figure this problem out.

Kevin waits for 30 more seconds before shouting again: "pleeaaassee"

"Yep Yep, on it right now,"I say, not budging from this frustrating problem.

"I know you're still sitting at my desk doing homework!" Kevin yells from the other room.

"Hey what does 'incognizant' mean?" I shout.

"It means 'hurry up and give me a shirt Sunhee or I will play all my vines out loud for the rest of the night'" Kevin says.

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