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I gasp and smile at her as Wonyoung runs over to me.

"Sunhee!!" She gives a quick hug and links arms with me.
"It's been forever," I grin. "How has your school in Japan been?

"It's been too long. But school is good, Japan is super clean and nice" Wonyoung says, and I realized I missed her smile. "So I was gonna meet you at the place, but I thought I saw a short, pretty, freckled friend, so I shouted your name to make sure,"

"I'm glad you did!" I say.
"Do you still cover your freckles at school?" Wonyoung asks, as we walk to the cafe together.

"Duh" I say.
"Aw, one day I dare you not to," Wonyoung laughs.
"We'll see" I laugh.

We take our seats at a table outside the cafe since the inside is all taken. We both order milk tea, just like we used to, and Wonyoung starts talking and asking questions.

It used to be the opposite, I was the brave and social one of our friendship, and Wonyoung was the quieter one. But going further into high school and being separated changed that.

However it relieves me to realize that really we can talk endlessly just like we used to. We've both changed and are kinda opposite from each other, but that's how you can tell if the friendship is real or not.

"Are you still with that jerk face? What's his name, Hanbyul?" Wonyoung sips her tea.
"Ah, no I'm not," I say, twisting my hair, realizing I didn't tell her what happened before we broke up.

"GOOD" Wonyoung says. "Gosh I'm so relieved. I mean, you know how I felt about that guy. Remember when I heard him say he didn't want you hanging out with me? And when he didn't let you wear eyeliner out?"

"... he said it made me look like a sl*t" I recall.

"Ugh, he basically brainwashed you," Wonyoung hits her first on the table. "Anyways, so how were you able to break up with him? How long after I left?"

"sophomore year, so a while after" I say.
"Dang, you stayed with him for two years??" Wonyoung exclaims.


"Yikes. Anyways how did you break up?" She asks.

I pause for a moment. Should I tell her about that incident? She's my best girl friend, and I know she won't gossip... but I already told Kevin about it as well.

I sigh, and I end up telling her in depth about what happened that day, November 7th.
"And so I skipped school a couple days, and when I went back, he was trying to pretend like nothing happened. So I wrote him a letter telling him I was breaking up with him and transferred classes right after. I was too afraid to speak to him again" I finish explaining.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I never knew that all happened! A-and you never called me about it, I would've flown back from Japan!" Wonyoung says, nearly on the verge of tears.

"Hah,, that's okay. I didn't talk to anyone, so sorry I never called you," I say.

"Ayy, that's okay! what matters is you're here now, and you're broken up. It's true that glow ups happen after breakups though, girl you look glowing!" Wonyoung lightens the mood.

"Hahaha, oh really?" I laugh. "Well yeah, recently I haven't been going through it alone though. I've gotten much better just from the beginning of school because of my, er- friend. Uh, special friend..."

"WHAT?!" Wonyoung nearly spits out her tea. "You're dating someone?!"

"Yes,.." I say.
"UM, show me pictures! What's the name??" Wonyoung says excitedly.

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