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I honestly don't even know how I got here. Standing near the edge of the pool with the rest of the popular kids.

I vaguely remember hearing them talk about pushing people in the pool, but I'm so drunk I don't remember if that's true or not.

The world looks more colorful around me, and all the noise around blurs into each other. I feel dizzy, but I see Dohyeon and another one of Seohye's friends walking towards me, getting ready to push me into the pool.

I try to back up, even though I'm drunk I still know I don't want to Swim.

Right as they shove me against my will, I feel a firm grasp around my arm, pulling me away from the edge.

"Sunhee?? Are you okay?" I hear a voice that echoes against itself as the world gets more and more blurry.

"Who are you?!" I push the person off me, attempting to stand on my own. But I almost immediately fall back, and the person rushes his arm around my shoulder again.

"Uh it's me Kevin. Your boyfriend?" Kevin says.

"Oh yeahhh," I laugh uncontrollably, and Kevin looks worried but is also holding back a laugh at my drunken state.

But his smile disappears quickly when he sees Dohyeon standing next to me, a bit too close.

Anna's cousin rests his elbow on my shoulder and twirls the string of my bikini dangerously.

"Cmon Kevin, we were just having some fun," he says, and makes a little 'oops' sound when he pulls the string.

Kevin catches the string around my neck before it falls, and although I feel in a daze I still sense what's going on around me. I lean off of Kevin while he holds the string in place and I shove Dohyeon back.

But I didn't realize how close we are too the pool so he ends up falling in with a big splash.

"Okay, nice one babe, but we really have to go," Kevin says, starting to tie the straps back.

"I can do this myselfff," I say, loosing balance and I try to take the strings from him.

"Hey hey, I know you can, but I'm gonna help you right now, it'll go faster yeah?" Kevin says, tying the string around my neck himself so that the top is on tightly.

"Okay now wheres your shirt??" Kevin asks as a breeze blows by. Suddenly he becomes aware of many people staring at me in my state of delusion.
"I'd really like to find it before we have to pass by all those people through the house," he mutters.

"Inside," I say, leaning almost all my weight on Kevin.

"Inside?" Kevin swears under his breath. "Okay just- just, don't let go okay?"

He wraps his arm around my back and presses the front of my body against his. I nod slowly and lean my head on his chest, suddenly even my head feels heavy.

But I look up at him, our faces close together and he stares at me in wonder, never seeing me so disorganized and clueless.

"Do I look like a mess? What do I look like?" I ask him, though I think I'm looking in the wrong direction since I see three Kevin's.

"You look cute babe, your cheeks are all red, and your hair is messy." Kevin laughs, moving a few strands of hair out of my face. "Anyway it doesn't matter, we need to go"

I hear his heart beating extremely fast as we walk back into the house past a bunch of people.

Kevin searches around the house a bit while simultaneously half holding onto me.

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