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Group Chat: Hoyaaa
3 active

Kevin Moon
[Sent address]

Ji Changmin
Cya there!!

Choi Chanhee


I'm standing in my room in my apartment currently having a mental breakdown. but what's new.
Oh gosh oml what do I wear to this?? I haven't been to the movie theaters with friends ever- what do people usually wear?
UGH I shouldn't have agreed to go! I barely know Changmin and Chanhee, and Chanhee doesn't seem to like me. Nonetheless, what are people gonna think of me hanging around 3 boys?? This is too stressful. Do I cancel? What do I do??

I jump in surprise when I hear my phone ring, I run across my bedroom to pick it up- nearly dropping my phone on the floor when I see that it's Kevin.

"H-hello?" I answer the phone (I despise phone calls)
"Hey! you all good?" he asks from the other end. "Not to rush you but we should probably leave soon. I'm in the lobby"

"Right- right, I'm just.... uh, okay! See you" i say,
then smacking my forehead because I hung up in the middle of him saying goodbye.

Whatever! I'll dress how I want.

I finally pick out an oversized black T-Shirt with some kind of vintage rock band and white adidas sweats with you know those black stripes going down the sides. I pin the safety pins on the hem of my shirt and I grab my phone and wallet before heading out.

I speed walk down the creepy spiral stairs and into the lobby, where Kevin is waiting on his phone leaning on the wall. It's weird not seeing him in a turtleneck, but a white sweatshirt that has some english letters across it. UBC, hm wonder what that is. he also wears a black beanie and his usual boots.

"nice shirt" he nods at me when he sees me and puts his phone away.
"Is it?? Should I go change? I can go quick-" I start to turn back around but Kevin takes my wrist gently.
"What do you mean? It looks nice!" he laughs.

I glance down at his hand on my wrist and he takes it off quickly.
"Ahem, let's go?" Kevin starts walking out of the lobby and i follow him.

We walk to the parking lot area of the apartment buildings and we find his car, it's dark blue and shiny and looks like it hasn't been driven in a while.

I get in the passengers seat, and Kevin gets in the drivers seat. I awkwardly strap myself in as he puts the keys in the car.

"You have a license right?" I ask.
"yes," He shows it to me. "I haven't driven in a little while but we should be good,"

"Should?" I ask again.
"Yeah, unless you want to drive," Kevin grins.

"I don't think I can I'm too short"

Kevin laughs, probably thinking I'm joking, but actually I never learned how to drive.

Kevin pulls out of the parking lot, at first slowly but then drives at a normal speed (which feels fast to me). I clench onto the safety strap thingy the whole time and Kevin looks at me while driving.

"It's okay! I can drive perfectly fine," He reassures me.
"Hey! Eyes on the road!" I tell him.

He just laughs but looks back ahead as directed. He's one of those drivers that drives with one hand at the top of the wheel, drumming his finger and humming a song the whole time.

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