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Since I get bored without Kevin here, I start dusting the house since I realize we don't clean much. And it's a good way to pass time when you're anxious.

I hear the key rattling in the door and the front door opens. In walks Kevin and he takes off his snow covered parka.

"I'm backkk!" He yells into the house.

"Welcome back," I say, poking my head out from under the couch.

"Now what are you doing down there?" He walks over and kneels on the floor.

"I'm cleaning. Its really dusty down here," I cough at the dust particles.

"That's cuz nobody is supposed to be down there," Kevin says, and he holds out his hands for me to grab. He drags me out from under the couch and I lay on the clean floor.

"So tell me why you're cleaning?" Kevin says, sitting on the floor by my feet.

"Just because..." I say.

He raises his eyebrow, "but you never clean,"

"You don't either!"

"That is true- but just tell me anyways. You're not worried about that harmless prank Are you?" Kevin arches his eyebrow.

"No- well, I was, but not that," I say.

"C'mon I'm dying of anticipation!"

"Okay... so did you get invited to this?" I show him the text invite.

"Yep, I did," he shows me his phone with the same number text, but with previous invites above it as well.

I sigh internally, feeling guilt. "Uh, I realized since you came here, you never went to a party. And I dunno, I don't want to hold you back on this one or anything. Because I'm sure you're much more, like popular and could have gone to other parties but I just- and I'm rambling now, sorry"

"Haha, it's fine! There were a couple invites, but they all sound lame if you weren't going to be there," Kevin says. "I'm happy to go to a party, but only if you're going,"

"Only if I'm there?"


"Oh! Then sure! Why don't we go to this one?" I say with fake enthusiasm- even faker than when Chanhee pretended to like Changmin's grandma's home grown tomato.

"Really?" Kevin pipes up. "Of course you don't have to"

I put on a better fake smile seeing him get more excited, "no, we should both go. It'll be fun" I say, but even forcing those words out of me took a lot of effort.

"Nice! Well only two days of school standing in between me and my first party in Korea!" Kevin stands up and I do too.

"Right! I can't wait..."


Unfortunately the rest of the week flies by, and Changmin convinced Chanhee to come to the party too.

So now that it's Friday they're both at the apartment getting ready.

"So who here has been to a high school party before?" Kevin asks, as we sit on my bed in my room.

"Me" Changmin raises his hand, and chanhee raises his hand as well reluctantly.

"He made me go with him," Chanhee elbows Changmin.

"How was it?" Kevin asks.

"Well it depends who's house you go to, but I've been to a party at this person's house before and it was pretty wild" Changmin says.

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